Fri. Sep 20th, 2024
  • Energy Prices: President von der Leyen sets out relief measures for consumers and businesses and emphasizes importance of green energy transition
  • MEPs debate high energy prices, rule of law, migration ahead of EU summit
  • Accelerating the green transition can lower energy prices in the long term according to EU Chief Scientific Advisors
  • Electricity and gas prices in the first half of 2021
  • EP Think tank: Study – EU energy system transformation – Cost of Non-Europe – PE 694.222 – Committee on Industry, Research and Energy
  • Towards COP26: Electricity transmission grid operators committed to address climate change challenges for the energy system
  • G7 members have a unique opportunity to lead the world towards electricity sectors with net-zero emissions
  • EFET position paper on high prices, decarbonisation, consumer protection and the role of markets
  • GEODE: New project explores hydrogen potential in Europe
  • Energy Community Secretariat joins DSO Ready for Hydrogen initiative
  • Ready4H2: Neues Projekt erforscht Wasserstoffpotenzial in Europa
  • CEER 2nd Paper on Unsupported RES
  • Energy Community Secretariat welcomes start of implementation of day-ahead market in Montenegro
  • Eurelectric Power Bulletin #24
  • Call for Abstracts: Joint OECD/NEA – IAEA International Symposium on
  • OPEC, ECS, OPEC Fund holds third joint annual legal workshop
  • Gemeinsames Statement von BDEW und VKU:  Bundesnetzagentur sendet ein völlig falsches Signal

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