Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Washington, 14/10/2021 – 23:07, UNIQUE ID: 211014_13

High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell met with the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Washington on Thursday.

The High Representative welcomed recent intense engagement with the US Administration and expressed the importance to further deepen the EU-US strategic partnership to jointly address foreign policy, security and global challenges. He welcomed, in particular, the launch of the Trade and Technology Council in Pittsburgh as a strong example of the shared commitment to work together to provide answers to some of today’s most pressing challenges.

High Representative Borrell and Secretary Blinken underscored the intention to launch a dialogue on security and defence by the end of the year. The High Representative welcomed the setting up of this dedicated channel to discuss common security and defence challenges, building on the mandate agreed by the EU and US Leaders at the EU-US Summit in June. He welcomed the US support for a stronger and more capable European defence and stressed that stronger EU capabilities contribute positively to transatlantic and global security, and also strengthen NATO.

The High Representative and Secretary Blinken agreed to launch EU-US consultations on the Indo-Pacific, with the aim to step up transatlantic cooperation and joint engagement in the region. They agreed to hold a first high-level meeting this year.

They welcomed the work done under the EU-US Dialogue on China and agreed to hold the next high-level meeting in December. They also agreed to launch the High-level Dialogue on Russia, with the first meeting planned to take place before the end of this year.

High Representative Borrell and Secretary Blinken discussed some of the most urgent foreign and security policy issues. They addressed, amongst others, the latest developments related to Afghanistan, with the High Representative underlining the utmost priority for the international community being to prevent the socio-economic collapse of the country and the need to work jointly on solutions for Afghan people.

They further discussed the opportunities for continued EU – US partnership in the Western Balkans in support of the region’s progress on its European path, underlined the importance of EU-facilitated Dialogue in addressing issues related to the comprehensive normalisation of relations between Serbia and Kosovo and, referring to recent developments, highlighted the need for de-escalation and re-engagement in negotiations. They agreed to further strengthen their cooperation on these matters.

High Representative Borrell and Secretary Blinken also discussed the situation in Venezuela and their strong will to support political processes to restore stability and democratic reconciliation in the country. In addition, they discussed the efforts towards stabilisation in the Sahel region.

They discussed high energy prices, the global impact of this crisis as well as the green energy transition. They looked forward to the next meeting of the EU-US Energy Council early next year. The HRVP and the Secretary Blinken agreed on the need for an ambitious outcome at the COP 26 climate conference.

High Representative Borrell stressed: “The European Union and the United States share an important and unique relationship. We will continue to work closely not only because we are partners of first resort but also because friends and allies look at us and expect us to work together to address global challenges.”

Source – EEAS:

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