Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Meeting of the Committee on International Trade (INTA)

Monday, 27 September, 16:45-18:45

in Brussels, ANTALL 2Q2

Committee members will be able to participate remotely. The meeting will be webstreamed here.


Next Monday’s trade committee meeting is dedicated to the trade policy of the United States: how can How can the US under the Biden administration work together with the EU for a fairer and more effective trade policy? How can the US envisage a possible EU-US strategy to ensure a global level playing field? And how can the two partners can make international trade agreements work better in practice, in particular when it comes to labour commitments?


  • Chair of the US Congress Subcommittee on Trade, Rep. Earl Blumenauer
  • EU Ambassador in Washington, Stavros Lambrinidis
  • Pascal Lamy, President emeritus, Jacque Delors Institute
  • Jennifer Hillman, Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations
  • Kathleen Claussen, Associate Professor of Law, University of Miami
  • Chad Bown, Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics

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