Fri. Sep 20th, 2024
  • UN chief: Window to avert devasting climate impacts ‘rapidly closing’
  • Letter to all parties by COP 26 President Designate HE Alok Sharma
  • Unverbindlicher Hintergrund zu Schlussanträgen C-165/20:  Emissionszertifikate für Air Berlin
  • Carbon Pricing for Climate Action: New Countdown to COP Policy Briefing – Climate Bonds
  • Opinion of the EU Advocate General in cases C-128/20, C-134/20, C-145/20 (software altering pollution level)
  • Sven Giegold (Grüne/EFA) zu den Schlussanträgen des EuGH-Generalanwalts: Hersteller müssen die Kosten für die Beseitigung illegaler Abschalteinrichtungen übernehmen
  • T&E: Autoindustrie versucht mit „schmutzigen Tricks“, strengere EU-Abgasnormen zu verhindern
  • Transport ministers promote a wide public refuelling network for alternative fuels
  • Policy-induced reductions in methane emissions have permanent impact
  • ST 12180 2021 INIT COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT on the territorial just transition plans
  • ST 12084 2021 INIT COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Union submission to the 77th session of the International Maritime Organization’s Marine Environment Protection Committee commenting on document MEPC 77/7/xx on the Revision of the Initial IMO Greenhouse Gas Strategy and MEPC 77/7/3 concerning a Resolution on zero emissions no later than 2050

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