Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Please find below a list with links to all guidance produced by ECDC on COVID-19 and a compilation of some recent publications on COVID-19. We would also like to inform you that ECDC has launched its own podcast on European epidemiology – ECDC: On Air. Take a look behind the scenes at the work that ECDC does. Read more

Recent publications

Rapid Risk Assessment: COVID-19 outbreaks in long-term care facilities in the EU/EEA in the context of current vaccination coverage. Technical Report – 23 July Read more »

Partial COVID-19 vaccination, vaccination following SARS-CoV-2 infection and heterologous vaccination schedule: summary of evidence. Technical Report – 22 July Read more »

COVID-19 in children and the role of school settings in transmission – second update. Technical Report – 8 July Read more »

All ECDC publications on scientific advice on coronavirus are published. Read more »

Translated guidance and infographics on COVID-19. Available in 26 languages. Read more »


Situation updates on COVID-19

COVID-19 situation update for the EU/EEA: Includes an update on the number of cases and deaths and geographical distribution of 14-day notification rates for the EU/EEA. Read more »

COVID-19 situation update worldwide: Includes an update on the number of cases and deaths and geographical distribution of 14-day notification rates worldwide. Read more »

COVID-19 country overview: Provides an overview of the evolving epidemiological situation for the EU/EEA (including case/death notification rates, testing rates, test positivity, hospital and ICU occupancy/capacity per country). Read more »

Surveillance report on COVID-19: Includes information on severity and risk groups most affected for the EU/EEA, as well as information on The European Surveillance System (TESSy) data quality and descriptions about national surveillance systems. Read more »

Situation dashboard: Interactive map with the latest available data on COVID-19 (worldwide). Read more » 

Vaccine tracker: Real time data on national vaccine doses distribution and vaccine update within EU/EEA countries. Read more »

Vaccine roll-out overview report: This report complements the Vaccine tracker and provides an overview of the progress in the roll-out of COVID-19 vaccines in adults (aged 18 years and above) across EU/EEA Member States, incl. vaccine doses distributed and administered. Read more »

Maps in support of the Council Recommendation on a coordinated approach to the restriction of free movement in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the EU/EEA. These maps are published every Thursday based on a number of different indicators. Read more »

Response Measures Database of ECDC and the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission is a regularly updated archive of non-pharmaceutical interventions introduced by 30 countries in the EU/EEA. Read more »


Updates on SARS-CoV-2 variants

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern: Overview of the different variants that are currently being considered of concern and of interest as assessed by ECDC. Read more »

Variants of concern. The ECDC country overview includes an own section on variants of concern. It includes e.g. a map of sequencing volume, variant data table and weekly variant distribution by country. Read more »

Dashboard on SARS-CoV-2 variants. This dashboard provides an overview of the proportion of variants of concern and variants of interest in EU/EEA Member States together with sequencing volumes and complements the ECDC country overview report. Read more »


Download data on COVID-19

Much of ECDC’s data can be downloaded from its website. This for instance includes, but is not limited to, reported number of cases and deaths, 14-day case notification rates, ICU and hospital admissions/occupancy, testing rates/positivity, vaccination data and response measures implemented in EU/EEA countries. Link to downloadable data»


Infographics, Videos, Webinars and more

Infographics and leaflets about COVID-19 – Infographics, leaflets and posters on COVID-19. Read more »

Videos on COVID-19 – What do we know about the COVID-19. Read more »

ECDC Virtual Academy (EVA) – COVID-19 Micro learning for public health professionals. Read more »

Online micro learning activities on non-pharmaceutical countermeasures in relation to COVID-19. E-learning course. Read more »


Other ECDC Outputs

ECDC website on COVID-19 – Read more »

ECDC case definition for COVID-19. Read more »

Find the latest evidence on:

Surveillance definitions for COVID-19. High risk exposure/close contact, transmission status, death due to COVID-19. Read more »

Testing strategies for SARS-CoV-2 – Patients requiring diagnostic testing. Read more »

Preparedness for COVID-19 – Publications and guidance for preparedness planning. Read more »

Prevention and control of COVID-19 – how to protect yourself, risk groups, COVID-19 vaccination, patient and case management. Read more »

Q & A on COVID-19 – Questions and answers. Read more »


Additional Resources

Information from European Institutions, International Organisations and Centres for Disease Control and Prevention

European Union. 
Re-open EU: interactive tool with country information for travel and transportation Read more »

European Commission. Coronavirus response. Read more »

European Parliament. The EU’s response to the coronavirus. Read more »

EU Healthy Gateways: Published guidance and reports for COVID-19

European Agency for Safety and Health (OSHA). COVID-19: Resources for the workplace: EU guidance, telework, resources from EU and international organisations. Read more »

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). Research Platform. Read more »

European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA). COVID-19 measures. Read more »

European Medicines Agency (EMA): Treatments and vaccines for COVID-19. Latest updates on COVID-19.

European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addition (EMCDDA). COVID-19 and drugs. Read more »

Health Systems Response Monitor: COVID-19 Health System Response Monitor designed in response to the COVID-19 outbreak to collect and organize up-to-date information on how countries are responding to the crisis


World Health Organization (WHO). Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. Read more »

Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO): Novel Coronavirus. Read more »


African Centres of Disease Control and Prevention. Read more »

Public Health Agency of Canada. Read more »

Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Read more »

Israel Center for Disease Control, Ministry of Health. Read more »

Ministry of Health of Mexico. Read more »

US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Read more »


COVID-19 information pages of EU and EEA Member States

Austria »

Belgium »

Bulgaria »

Croatia »

Cyprus »

Czechia »

Denmark »

Estonia »

Finland »

France »

Germany »

Greece »

Hungary »

Iceland »

Ireland »

Italy »

Liechtenstein »

Lithuania »

Luxembourg »

Malta »

The Netherlands »

Norway »

Poland »


Romania »

Slovakia »

Slovenia »

Spain »

Sweden »


Living Evidence Summaries

COAP: COVID-19 Open Access Project from the Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM). This database is updated daily with published articles from Pubmed and EMBASE and with preprints from medRxiv and bioRxiv.

EPPI Centre: COVID-19: a living systematic map of the evidence. Up-to-date map of the current evidence that are partitioned into broad domains for easy exploration.

NMA initiative: Covid-19 – living initiative. Living mapping and living systematic review of Covid-19 trials.

PregCOV-19LSR by the University of Birmingham. Series of living systematic reviews (LSR) involving pregnant and postnatal women at risk, suspected, and diagnosed to have COVID-19 according to recommended methods. Read more »

theBMJ: Drug treatments for covid-19: living systematic review and network meta-analysis


Science Updates

Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine CEBM: Oxford COVID-19 Evidence Service. Rapid reviews of primary care questions relating to COVID-19.

Cochrane: Cochrane Reviews and related content from the Cochrane Library relating to the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID Reference International: Every day the “Top 10 scientific COVID-19 papers of the day” are presented. Also provides multiple other useful links to literature. Read more »

COVID-AMR: Peer-reviewed literature on secondary infections, antibiotic chemotherapy and AMR in the context of COVID-19.

Evidence Aid: Evidence Collection on Coronavirus (COVID-19). This evidence collection contains plain-language summaries of high-quality research which are available in English, and translated into French, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic and Chinese (simplified and traditional).

Health Information and Quality Authority: COVID-19 Publications: Clinical evidence summaries and rapid reviews on various different topics.

LitCovid: curated literature hub for tracking up-to-date scientific information about COVID-19. It is the most comprehensive resource on the subject, providing a central access a large number of relevant articles in PubMed. The articles are updated daily and are further categorized by different research topics and geographic locations for improved access.

US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: COVID-19 Science Updates providing brief summaries of new COVID-19-related studies on many topics, including epidemiology, clinical treatment and management, laboratory science, and modeling. The summaries are released every Tuesday and Friday.

VA-ESP COVID-19 Reviews: U.S. Veterans’ Affairs (VA) Evidence Synthesis Program  Inventory of living systematic reviews and ‘rapid reviews’, with a flag for living reviews and for reviews meeting minimum quality standards

Wolters Kluwer: Clinical effectiveness COVID-19 Recourses Available to All. View a categorized collection of all UpToDate COVID-19 content including clinical topics, algorithms, patient education and society guideline links.

Source: ECDC

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