Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Our IEU MONITORING headlines today:

  • Patricia Espinosa: “There is no path to 1.5°C without the G20”
  • COP26 President-Designate welcomes agreement from G20 to limit warming to 1.5C but urges further action on coal phase out
  • Speech: COP President addresses G20 Climate and Energy meeting in Naples
  • Dr Jane Goodall named as a COP26 Advocate with 100 days to go until crucial UN climate change summit
  • Opening Ceremony of IPCC meeting to consider Working Group I contribution to Sixth Assessment Report
  • Carbon capture, utilisation and storage forum
  • State Secretary Feicht: IEA report sets out ambitious roadmap for global greenhouse gas neutrality by 2050
  • IW: Die Einführung der EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Activities
  • Fuel types of new cars: battery electric 7.5%, hybrid 19.3%, petrol 41.8% market share in Q2 2021


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