Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

EU Commissioner Dalli and Ministers will discuss the Council Recommendation on Roma equality, inclusion and participation in today’s Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs (EPSCO) Council.

The Recommendation, which was proposed by the Commission as part of its 10-year strategic framework to advance Roma equality in the EU and adopted by Council last Friday, includes comprehensive list of concrete measures to combat discrimination and antigypsyism, advance social inclusion, promote participation and active citizenship, ensure effective equal access to quality mainstream education, employment, health and housing.

Helena Dalli, Commissioner for Equality, said: Commitment to equality for all is key for us to address the COVID-19 pandemic effectively and recover at the earliest. The adoption of this Recommendation clearly demonstrates Member States’ dedication to address the multiple challenges faced by Roma communities across the EU. The Recommendation will guide us to achieve measurable results over the next ten years and to tackle longstanding injustices, discrimination and exclusion.” 

The Recommendation includes stronger focus on partnerships and institutional capacity, support for civil society and community development, better use of funds, and reinforced monitoring. The fight against antigypsyism, as a specific form of racism, will also be covered in the first ever European Summit on Anti-Racism on 19 March. More information can be found online in the factsheet and on the webpages on Roma equality, inclusion and participation in the EU.

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