Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

3 June 2021

Please find below a list with links to all guidance produced by ECDC on COVID-19 and a compilation of some recent publications on COVID-19.

We are constantly assessing the need to update existing, or produce new, guidance in light of recent developments.

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ECDC Outputs

Recent publications

Reducing COVID 19 transmission and strengthening vaccine uptake among migrant populations in the EU/EEA. Technical Report – 3 June Read more »

Interim public health considerations for COVID-19 vaccination of adolescents in the EU/EEA. Technical Report – 1 June Read more »

The use of antibody tests for SARS-COV-2 in the context of Digital Green Certificates. Technical Report – 20 May Read more »

Overview of EU/EEA country recommendations on COVID-19 vaccination with Vaxzevria, and a scoping review of evidence to guide decision-making. Technical Report – 18 May Read more »

Public health impact of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern: scoping review protocol. Technical Report – 18 May Read more »

Threat Assessment Brief: Emergence of SARS-CoV-2 B.1.617 variants in India and situation in the EU/EEA. Risk Assessment – 11 May Read more »

Considerations on the use of rapid antigen detection (including self-) tests for SARS-CoV-2 in occupational settings. Technical Report – 6 May Read more »

Overview of the implementation of COVID-19 vaccination strategies and vaccine deployment plans in the EU/EEA. Technical Report – 6 May Read more »

Objectives of vaccination strategies against COVID-19. Technical Report – 23 April Read more »

All ECDC publications on scientific advice on coronavirus are published. Read more »

Translated guidance and infographics on COVID-19. Available in 26 languages. Read more »

Situation updates on COVID-19

Weekly COVID-19 situation update for the EU/EEA: Includes an update on the number of cases and deaths and geographical distribution of 14-day notification rates for the EU/EEA. Read more »

Weekly COVID-19 situation update worldwide: Includes an update on the number of cases and deaths and geographical distribution of 14-day notification rates worldwide. Read more »

Weekly COVID-19 country overview: Provides an overview of the evolving epidemiological situation for the EU/EEA (including case/death notification rates, testing rates, test positivity, hospital and ICU occupancy/capacity per country). Read more »

Weekly surveillance report on COVID-19: Includes information on severity and risk groups most affected for the EU/EEA, as well as information on The European Surveillance System (TESSy) data quality and descriptions about national surveillance systems. Read more »

Situation dashboard: Interactive map with the latest available data on COVID-19 (worldwide). Read more » 

Vaccine tracker: Real time data on national vaccine doses distribution and vaccine update within EU/EEA countries. Read more »

Vaccine roll-out overview report: This report complements the Vaccine tracker and provides an overview of the progress in the roll-out of COVID-19 vaccines in adults (aged 18 years and above) across EU/EEA Member States, incl. vaccine doses distributed and administered. Read more »

Maps in support of the Council Recommendation on a coordinated approach to the restriction of free movement in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the EU/EEA. These maps are published every Thursday based on a number of different indicators. Read more »

Response Measures Database of ECDC and the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission is a regularly updated archive of non-pharmaceutical interventions introduced by 30 countries in the EU/EEA. Read more »


Updates on SARS-CoV-2 variants

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern: Overview of the different variants that are currently being considered of concern and of interest as assessed by ECDC. Read more »

Variants of concern. The ECDC country overview includes an own section on variants of concern. It includes e.g. a map of sequencing volume, variant data table and weekly variant distribution by country. Read more »

Dashboard on SARS-CoV-2 variants. This dashboard provides an overview of the proportion of variants of concern and variants of interest in EU/EEA Member States together with sequencing volumes and complements the ECDC country overview report. Read more »

Download data on COVID-19

Much of ECDC’s data can be downloaded from its website. This for instance includes, but is not limited to, reported number of cases and deaths, 14-day case notification rates, ICU and hospital admissions/occupancy, testing rates/positivity, vaccination data and response measures implemented in EU/EEA countries. Link to downloadable data»

Infographics, Videos, Webinars and more

Infographics and leaflets about COVID-19 – Infographics, leaflets and posters on COVID-19. Read more »

Videos on COVID-19 – What do we know about the COVID-19. Read more »

ECDC Virtual Academy (EVA) – COVID-19 Micro learning for public health professionals. Read more »

Online micro learning activities on non-pharmaceutical countermeasures in relation to COVID-19. E-learning course. 20 Feb 2020 – 30 June 2021. Read more »

Other ECDC Outputs

ECDC website on COVID-19 – Read more »

ECDC case definition for COVID-19. Read more »

Find the latest evidence on:

Several sections have recently been updated

Surveillance definitions for COVID-19. High risk exposure/close contact, transmission status, death due to COVID-19. Read more »

Testing strategies for SARS-CoV-2 – Patients requiring diagnostic testing. Read more »

Preparedness for COVID-19 – Publications and guidance for preparedness planning. Read more »

Prevention and control of COVID-19 – how to protect yourself, risk groups, COVID-19 vaccination, patient and case management. Read more »

Laboratory support for COVID-19 in the EU/EEA – Testing for SARS-CoV-2 virus, shortages, types and storage of specimens, specimen shipping etc. Read more »

Q & A on COVID-19 – Questions and answers. Read more »

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