Sun. Oct 6th, 2024



EU Commission clears acquisition of TBX NewCo Spain and TBX Upstream Seamless Pipes by Tubacex and Mubadala

The EU Commission has approved the acquisition of joint control of TBX NewCo Spain S.L.U. of Spain and TBX Upstream Seamless Pipes L.L.C. of the UAE by Tubacex S.A. of Spain and Mubadala Investment Company P.J.S.C. (‘Mubadala’) of the UAE. The transaction relates primarily to the manufacture of oil country tubes for the exploration and extraction of oil and gas.

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Liberté d’expression: Arrêt de la Cour dans l’affaire C-633/22: Real Madrid Club de Fútbol

L’exécution d’un jugement condamnant un journaliste et un éditeur de presse au paiement de dommages-intérêts doit être refusée pour autant qu’elle viole la liberté de la presse. Tel est le cas si ces dommages-intérêts sont manifestement disproportionnés et risquent de dissuader la presse dans l’État membre requis de relayer des sujets présentant un intérêt général légitime.

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Labelling of organic products: Judgment of the EU Court in Case C-240/23 Herbaria Kräuterparadies II

Labelling of organic products: A foodstuff imported from a third country may bear the organic production logo of the European Union only if that foodstuff complies with all the requirements of EU law. That is the case even if the production rules of the third country are recognised as equivalent to those laid down by EU law. Such foodstuff may nonetheless bear the organic production logo of that third country.

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eye, facebook, detail

Use of public statements for targeted ads: EU judgment in Case C-446/21 Schrems

An online social network such as Facebook cannot use all of the personal data obtained for the purposes of targeted advertising, without restriction as to time and without distinction as to type of data. Also, statements made during public panel discussions do not authorise the operator of an online social network platform to include these statements into the person’s ad profile.

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EU Advocate General Rantos on income transfers arising from sportsmen contracts

According to EU Advocate General Rantos, a contractual term requiring a young sportsman to transfer part of his income if he becomes a professional athlete may potentially be unfair. A contract concluded between a young sportsman and an undertaking helping to develop his sports career falls, in principle, within the scope of the directive on the protection of consumers against unfair terms.

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knight, defense, malta

Maltese citizenship by investment: Opinion of EU Advocate General Collins

Advocate General Collins on the Maltese law granting citizenship by investment: The EU Commission has failed to prove that EU rules on citizenship (Article 20 TFEU) require the existence of a ‘genuine link’ or ‘prior genuine link’ between a Member State and an individual in order for it to grant citizenship. The Advocate General’s Opinion is not binding on the Court of Justice.

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