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Sanctions against Russia: EU General Court Judgment in Case T-193/23 MegaFon v EU Council

15 January

Wednesday 15th January 2025

EU General Court Judgment in Case T-193/23 MegaFon v Council

(Restrictive Measures – Ukraine)

MegaFon, a joint stock company based in Moscow, is one of Russia’s leading mobile phone and telecommunications operators.

In February 2023, considering that MegaFon was providing direct support to Russia’s military and industrial complex in its war of aggression against Ukraine, the Council included the company on the list of entities covered by restrictive measures adopted by the European Union. These measures notably prohibit European operators from selling, supplying, transferring or exporting dual-use goods and technologies to MegaFon, as well as providing it with technical assistance or financial aid related to these goods and technologies.

In July 2023 and January 2024, the Council decided to extend the restrictive measures against this company (Council Regulation (EU) No 2023/427 amending Regulation (EU) No 833/2014 and Council Decision 2023/434/CFSP amending Council Decision 2014/512/CFSP).

MegaFon brought an action before the General Court of the European Union seeking the annulment of these Council acts insofar as they included and maintained its name on the lists of Russian entities covered by the restrictive measures. They are alleged to lack a statement of reasons and to be vitiated by an error of assessment, to infringe the rights of defence of the company in question and to breach the principle of proportionality.

Background Documents T-193/23


Mittwoch, 15. Januar 2025

Urteil des EU Gerichts in der Rechtssache T‑193/23 MegaFon / Rat

Restriktive Maßnahmen – Russland

Am 25. Februar 2023 nahm der Rat der EU das russische Telekommunikationsunternehmen MegaFon in die Liste der Organisationen auf, die den militärisch-industriellen Komplex Russlands bei dessen Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine unmittelbar unterstützen und denen strengere Ausfuhrbeschränkungen auferlegt werden in Bezug auf Güter und Technologien mit doppeltem Verwendungszweck sowie Güter und Technologien, die zur technologischen Stärkung des russischen Verteidigungs- und Sicherheitssektors beitragen könnten.

MegaFon hat ihre Aufnahme sowie ihre spätere Belassung auf dieser Liste vor dem Gericht der EU angefochten, das heute sein Urteil verkündet.

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