The Safer Internet Forum (SIF) is a key annual international conference in Europe where policymakers, researchers, law enforcement bodies, youth, parents and caregivers, teachers, NGOs, industry representatives, experts and other relevant actors come together to discuss the latest trends, opportunities, risks and solutions related to child online safety and making the internet a better place.
Safer Internet Forum 2024 will place a particular focus on pillar one of the BIK+ strategy: safe digital experiences and, more specifically, how to protect children and young people against inappropriate content and bullying online.
The Forum aims to take stock of the new Digital Services Act (DSA) rules and their implementation, to discuss the risks of exposure to potentially harmful online content and behaviour, including cyberbullying, and to explore the tools and strategies currently available or needed to mitigate these risks.
The event is being organised in a youth-led manner, with young people playing an active role in the planning, preparation and delivery of the Forum.