Sat. Sep 14th, 2024

Kyiv, 27 December 2023

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with executives and employees of state-owned and private defense enterprises and presented state awards.

He emphasized that each of the attendees represents powerful teams that make a great contribution to the common cause of defending our state and people every day. According to the Head of State, the defense sector of Ukraine employs about 300 thousand people.

“I thank you for each of your initiatives in the Ukrainian defense sector and for all your personal energy, for all the implemented ideas that strengthen each of us and the state of Ukraine as a whole,” Volodymyr Zelenskyy said.

According to the President, this year, thanks to the Ukrainian defense industry enterprises, the production of weapons and equipment has tripled compared to last year. There is also an extremely significant increase in the production of ammunition, particularly for artillery. Systematic deployment of ammunition manufacturing for domestic drones is underway, while the quantitative and qualitative indicators of missile production have grown as well. Next year, special attention will be paid to the production of explosives and powders, which are in short supply worldwide.

“Ukraine’s task is crystal clear: we must strengthen our state to the point where Russia feels that every one of their strikes will face our retaliation. This task can only be accomplished through sufficient domestic arms manufacturing. Anyone who provides Ukraine with equipment, shells, and all the necessary weapons also provides our state with political independence,” he emphasized.

The Head of State also noted that the share of private companies in the defense sector is continuously increasing. Already four out of five companies in the defense industry are non-state enterprises.

“We have to step up the use of this power, one of the main powers of human nature – the power of entrepreneurship. Swift development is simply impossible without it. It is only right that state-owned enterprises compete with private companies on an equal footing to ensure the quality and speed of our Ukrainian production. We are all on the same team. We all need the same thing – victory,” the President emphasized.

According to Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the state will continue to simplify bureaucratic procedures – from importing components to the commissioning process, and the government is working to secure financing for long-term contracts.

In addition, the President noted, Ukraine’s defense industry will become part of the international defense system, and there are already agreements with a number of leading countries and world companies on co-production.

“There will be more such agreements, more integration of our capabilities and those of the world, our production and production of major states,” the Head of State emphasized.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy expressed gratitude to everyone who establishes and develops Ukrainian defense enterprises, as well as to the families of employees for their support and assistance.

“I thank you for this year and wish us all to become an even stronger team in the coming year,” the President said.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy presented the defense industry representatives with awards, including the Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise, V class, Order of Merit, II and III classes, Order of Princess Olga, III class, and medals “For Labor and Valor”, for their significant personal contribution to the development of the defense industry of Ukraine, dedication and professionalism in creating high-tech products under martial law, and many years of conscientious work.

Source – President of Ukraine

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