Mon. Sep 9th, 2024


On Tuesday 3 May, Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson was at Schloss Meseberg in Germany by invitation of Chancellor Olaf Scholz to take part in talks with the German Government together with Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin.

In her speech to the media after the meeting, Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson stressed the value of the opportunity to jointly discuss the new security situation in Europe and its consequences.

“This meeting is an important signal to the world of our solidarity,” emphasised Ms Andersson.

Ms Andersson also explained that during the meeting she said that Sweden is now facing decisive security policy decisions and that the Swedish Government is conducting a supplementary security policy analysis together with the parties in the Swedish Riksdag.

During the meeting, the situation in Ukraine and the brutal war that has now been going on for more than two months were also discussed, said Ms Andersson.

The joint statements can be viewed on the German Government’s website (in German and English).

German Government website

Prime Minister Marin speaks to German Federal Government
Government Communications Department 

 Publication date3.5.2022 16.49

Prime Minister Sanna Marin participated today in a meeting on the European security situation at the castle retreat of Schloss Meseberg near Berlin at the invitation of Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz. Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson also attended the event. After the retreat, the Prime Ministers of Finland and Sweden had a bilateral meeting in Berlin.

In her address to the Federal Government of Germany, Prime Minister Marin spoke about the security policy debate in Finland and the Finnish Government’s views on the changed security policy situation in Europe.

“We had an excellent, confidential discussion. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has changed the security policy situation in such a way that there is no going back to the way things were. NATO’s open door policy is even more important now that Russia is trying to dictate solutions for other countries,” Prime Minister Marin said to the media after the event.

After the retreat, Prime Minister Marin and Prime Minister Andersson had a discussion in Berlin about the ongoing security policy debate in Finland and Sweden.


Regierungschefinnen von Finnland und Schweden zu Gast

Im Rahmen ihrer Klausurtagung im Schloss Meseberg diskutierte das Kabinett mit der finnischen Ministerpräsidentin Marin und der schwedischen Ministerpräsidentin Andersson über die Auswirkungen des Ukraine-Krieges. Sehen Sie hier die Pressestatements in voller Länge.

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