Fri. Feb 14th, 2025

Brussels, 3 April 2023

Tomorrow, Vice-President for Democracy and Demography, Dubravka Šuica, will participate in the Conference on Social Inclusion and Access to Adequate Housing organised by the Swedish Presidency of the Council. The aim of the meeting will be to highlight different aspects related to social inclusion and access to adequate housing and to foster a discussion on common challenges and possible solutions.

Vice-President Šuica will be delivering the key-note speech at the opening session, focusing on how demographic change transforms the social and economic landscapes of our societies and across all ages, from children to older persons. She will highlight measures to ensure equity and inclusion, and in this vein underscore that fighting child poverty and enabling meaningful child participation is key to building fair and resilient democracies.

Various panels will follow, focusing on the fight against homelessness, upholding children’s rights and including their views in decision-making processes, as well as the right to safe and adequate housing for children and women exposed to gender-based violence.

Source – EU Commission

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