Wed. Feb 12th, 2025

Stockholm, 8 March 2023

Today, the Government presented a bill proposing that the Riksdag approve Sweden’s accession to NATO. The bill is an important step on the path to Swedish NATO membership. Following the Riksdag’s approval, Sweden can become a full NATO member country once all of the member countries have ratified Sweden’s Accession Protocol.

“Becoming a member of NATO is the best way to safeguard Sweden’s security and, in the spirit of solidarity, contribute to strengthening the security of the entire Euro-Atlantic area,” says Minister for Foreign Affairs Tobias Billström.

As a member, Sweden will be expected to accede to an agreement regulating NATO privileges and immunities. The Government Bill proposes that the Riksdag approve the agreement and its incorporation into Swedish law. It also proposes that the Government be authorised to take decisions on receiving support from NATO in the form of military forces. The aim is to create better conditions to defend Sweden.

Following the Riksdag’s approval, the Government can decide on Sweden’s accession. Sweden will become a NATO member country once its instrument of accession is deposited in accordance with the provisions in the North Atlantic Treaty; this occurs when all member countries have ratified our Accession Protocol.

“The Government bill on Sweden’s NATO membership is a historic event and an important step on the path towards membership. This means that we stand ready to join NATO together with Finland once all NATO countries have ratified our accession protocols,” says Mr Billström.

It is proposed that the legislative amendments enter into force on a date to be determined by the Government.

Source – Swedish Government


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