Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

Brussels, 7 February 2024

The Council presidency and European Parliament negotiators have reached a provisional agreement on the Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform (STEP).

The platform will mobilise investments in the fields of digital and deep tech, cleantech and biotech, with the overall aim of strengthening the EU’s sovereignty and long-term competitiveness in critical technologies.

Through a mix of financial incentives and measures to facilitate the financing of projects, it will leverage funding in support of critical technologies under existing EU programmes and funds, including cohesion policy funds, InvestEU, Horizon Europe, the European Defence Fund, the Innovation Fund and the Recovery and Resilience Facility.

In order to boost defence investment capacity, an additional €1.5 billion will be allocated to the European Defence Fund.

With today’s agreement, we will pool funding from the EU budget to mobilise investments in deep and digital tech, cleantech, and biotech, which are crucial for the EU to preserve its competitive edge in these strategic sectors.

Hadja Lahbib, Belgian Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Affairs and Foreign Trade and Federal Cultural Institutions

Scope of support

During the negotiations, the co-legislators clarified the scope of investments covered by STEP. Taking into consideration the differences between the member states, they have agreed to ensure support to the whole value chain of critical technologies, as proposed by the Commission, as well as to associated services.

The Commission has been asked to issue guidance on how technologies will be assessed as critical for the purposes of STEP investments.

Sovereignty Seal and Sovereignty Portal 

Under STEP, a Sovereignty Seal will be awarded to projects contributing to STEP objectives as a quality label helping them to access EU funding and attract other investments.

A Sovereignty Portal will also be set up as a one-stop-shop on funding opportunities for STEP-related projects. 

During the negotiations, the Council and the Parliament have clarified the role of the Commission in implementing the platform and underlined its role in promoting the Sovereignty Seal and enhancing the visibility of the projects that have been awarded this quality label. 

Use of cohesion policy funds

An important element of STEP are financial incentives for channelling cohesion policy funds towards investments in critical technologies. This will help all member states to develop their capacities and contribute to a level playing field for investments in critical technologies in the single market.

For this purpose, a 100% co-financing rate and a 30% pre-financing rate will apply for STEP priorities under the 2021–2027 programming period. Investments in large companies will also be possible.

Considering the continued budgetary pressure in member states, a 100% co-financing rate will also be applied retroactively to the 2014–2020 cohesion programmes in the final accounting year, while the deadline for submitting payment applications will be extended by 12 months.

To further encourage the uptake of STEP under cohesion policy funds, the co-legislators have also given member states more flexibility to reach climate targets under the European Regional Development Fund (30%) and the Cohesion Fund (37%) by counting ‘excess projects’ under one fund towards the target of the other. At the same time, a 20% cap will apply to STEP investments from the European Regional Development Fund, to ensure the continued focus of this fund on its original objectives.

Member states will have the possibility to amend programmes – and consequently Partnership Agreements – in 2024 through an expedited procedure, with a view to receiving pre-financing for STEP-related projects as early as this year, in addition to further amendments in 2025 within the timeline of the mid-term review.

Evaluation of the platform

The EU co-legislators have also asked the Commission to provide them with an interim evaluation report on the implementation of STEP by the end of 2025, as a basis for preparing new interventions to support sovereignty and competitiveness in strategic sectors in the future.

Next steps

The provisional agreement now needs to be endorsed by the Council and the Parliament before legal-linguistic revision and formal adoption by both institutions.

Once adopted, the regulation establishing STEP will be published in the EU’s Official Journal and enter into force on the next day.


The Commission proposed the creation of a Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform on 20 June 2023 as part of its package of proposals related to the mid-term revision of the multiannual financial framework 2021–2027.

The package also included a proposal for the creation of the Ukraine Facility, on which the co-legislators reached a provisional agreement earlier this week.

Source – EU Council

Deal on STEP: supporting EU competitiveness and resilience in strategic sectors


Brussels, 7 February 2024

Following talks with EU member states, MEPs have reached an agreement on the STEP initiative, underscoring the EU’s commitment to technological sovereignty and resilience.

Negotiators from Parliament and Council on Wednesday morning reached a provisional political agreement on establishing the “Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform” (STEP).

The platform, which the Commission presented as part of the midterm revision of the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2021-2027, aims to consolidate and enhance Europe’s standing in crucial technological fields. These fields include digital technologies, clean and resource-sufficient technologies, such as net-zero technologies, and biotechnologies. By streamlining various EU programmes and funds, awarding a ‘Sovereignty Seal‘ to relevant projects, and showcasing them in a ‘Sovereignty Portal, STEP is set to channel significant investments into these projects, drive innovation, and address critical labour and skills shortages.

A step towards a European Sovereignty Fund

As a result of the MFF revision, STEP can rely on EUR 1.5 billion in additional funding for the European Defence Fund. This is well below the EUR 10 billion in additional funding which the Commission had proposed and which Parliament had asked to reinforce by EUR 3 billion.

Parliament has successfully pushed for a two-tier evaluation, with an interim evaluation due at the end 2025, to inform decision-making on the post-2027 MFF, and a final evaluation due in 2031, when all relevant programmes have been closed. The interim evaluation will assess the impact of STEP on reducing the Union’s strategic dependencies and should be accompanied by a legislative proposal to revise the Regulation or by legislative proposals for other initiatives that presume similar objectives.

Other improvements MEPs managed to obtain include:

  • Coherence between STEP and the Union’s industrial policy, notably the forthcoming Net-Zero Industry Act and Critical Raw Materials Act;
  • A clearly defined role for the Commission in implementing STEP;
  • Geographical balance and compliance with labour law to be considered in calls for STEP projects;
  • The removal of the Sovereignty Seal if a company relocates the project outside the Union
  • Cohesion projects fulfilling the STEP objectives should be reported to the Commission and displayed in the Sovereignty Portal to facilitate access to funding;
  • A funding cap of 20% for STEP projects under the European Fund for Regional Development (ERDF) to safeguard Cohesion policy

On Tuesday, Parliament agreed with the Belgian Council presidency on the two other parts of the MFF revision package: the Ukraine Facility and the MFF regulation amendment.


Cristian-Silviu Busoi, MEP (EPP, Romania), Chair of the Committee on Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, said:

“STEP was negotiated under intense time pressure and, despite the complexity of the file, we have prevailed thanks to our teams! It sends a strong signal, following the conclusion of negotiations for the Net-Zero Industry Act and the Multiannual Financial Framework today, to now have STEP in place. We demonstrate to our industries and financial markets that they receive full political support and a legislative framework to invest and become more competitive, thereby transforming the EU. STEP aims to reinforce, leverage, and steer all EU funds, both existing and new, towards investments in deep and digital, clean and bio-technologies within the EU, and in individuals capable of integrating these technologies into the economy.”

José Manuel Fernandes (EPP, PT), co-rapporteur for the Committee on Budgets, said:

“The European Union needs to reinforce its competitiveness and strategic autonomy. We need to invest in our innovative technologies using existing programmes, financial instruments and funds. It is unfortunate that the Council cut all the funding proposed by the Commission and the Parliament. That is why we are promoting synergies, simplification and the reduction of bureaucracy. We managed to improve the Sovereignty Seal to give visibility to quality projects and facilitate their access to financing opportunities. We have also secured a 100% co-financing rate for cohesion policy funds without harming cohesion policy’s objectives: we have established a maximum cap of 20% from the ERDF to be used for STEP priorities. It is important to highlight that this achievements give more responsibility to the Member States’ national authorities who are responsible to select their quality projects with added value to the EU’s strategic autonomy.”

Christian Ehler (EPP, DE), co-rapporteur for the Industry, Research and Energy Committee, said:

“With STEP and the Net-Zero Industry Act concluded on the same day, we have created a comprehensive framework of legislation and financing opportunities for the future of European industry. For the Parliament, it was of utmost priority to enable European funds and cohesion funds to provide sufficient and targeted funding for industry to secure sufficient investments in strategic technologies within Europe. At the same time, we regret the substantial cuts by the Council, in particular on Horizon Europe, where Member States do not live up to their promises on sufficiently funding for innovation and investments.“

Next steps

The provisional political agreement still has to be formally approved by the Council, as well as by the Committees on Budgets and on Industry, Research and Energy, and the Parliament’s plenary during the 26-29 February session.


On 20 June 2023, the Commission presented the mid-term revision of the EU’s Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027. The revision included the proposal for a regulation establishing a Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform (‘STEP’) to support European leadership on critical technologies, as well as the Ukraine Facility and key changes to the regulation on the multiannual financial framework (MFF).

Source – EU Parliament

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