Sat. Jan 25th, 2025

Moscow, 26 April 2022

Version of the United Nations in English and Russian (English version of the Kremlin following below)

The Secretary-General met with the President of the Russian Federation, H.E. Mr. Vladimir Putin, in Moscow this afternoon.

During the tête-a-tête meeting, the Secretary-General reiterated the United Nations’ position on Ukraine, and they discussed the proposals for humanitarian assistance and evacuation of civilians from conflict zones, namely in relation to the situation in Mariupol.

The President agreed, in principle, to the involvement of the United Nations and the International Committee for the Red Cross in the evacuation of civilians from the Azovstal plant in Mariupol.

Follow-on discussions will be had with the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and the Russian Defence Ministry.


Сообщение о встрече Генерального секретаря ООН Антониу Гутерриша с Президентом Российской Федерации, Его Превосходительством Владимиром Путиным

Сегодня днем Генеральный секретарь ООН Антониу Гутериш встретился в Москве с Президентом Российской Федерации Владимиром Путиным.

В ходе встречи с глазу на глаз Генеральный секретарь вновь заявил о позиции Организации Объединенных Наций в отношении событий на Украине. Стороны обсудили предложения о гуманитарной помощи и эвакуации мирного населения из зон конфликта,  коснушись преимущественно ситуации в Мариуполе.

В общем и целом, Президент согласился с участием Организации Объединенных Наций и Международного комитета Красного Креста в эвакуации мирного населения с завода «Азовсталь» в Мариуполе.

Дальнейшие обсуждения данных вопросов состоятся при участии Управления ООН по координации гуманитарных вопросов и российского Министерства обороны.

Стефан Дюжаррик, Официальный представитель Генерального секретаря

Москва, 26 апреля 2022 г.

Source – UN: Readout of the Secretary-General’s meeting with H.E. Mr. Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation


Kremlin transcript version of the meeting between President Ptin and UN Secretary-General Guterres

Vladimir Putin is holding a meeting with Secretary-General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres in the Kremlin.

April 26, 2022
The Kremlin, Moscow

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr Secretary-General,

I am very happy to see you.

As one of the founders of the United Nations and a permanent member of the UN Security Council, Russia has always supported this universal organisation. We believe the UN is not simply universal but it is unique in a way – the international community does not have another organisation like it. We are doing all we can to support the principles on which it rests, and we intend to continue doing this in the future.

We find the expression of some of our colleagues about a world based on rules somewhat strange. We believe the main rule is the UN Charter and other documents adopted by this organisation rather than some papers written by their authors as they see fit or aimed at ensuring their own interests.

We are also surprised to hear statements by our colleagues that imply that some in the world have exceptional status or can claim exclusive rights because the Charter of the United Nations reads that all participants in international communication are equal regardless of their strength, size or geographical location. I think this is similar to what the Bible reads about all people being equal. I am sure we will find the same idea in both the Quran and the Torah. All people are equal before God. So, the idea that someone can claim a kind of exceptional status is very strange to us.

We are living in a complicated world, and, therefore, we proceed from reality and are willing to work with everyone.

No doubt, at one time the United Nations was established to resolve acute crises and went through different periods in its development. Quite recently, just several years ago, we heard it had become obsolete, and there was no need for it anymore. This happened whenever it prevented someone from reaching their goals in the international arena.

We have always said that there is no other universal organisation like the United Nations, and it is necessary to cherish the institutions that were created after WWII for the express purpose of settling disputes.

I know about your concern over Russia’s military operation in Donbass, in Ukraine. I think this will be the focus of our conversation today. I would just like to note in this context that the entire problem emerged after a coup d’état staged in Ukraine in 2014. This is an obvious fact. You can call it whatever name you like and have whatever bias in favour of those who did it, but this was really an anti-constitutional coup.

Source – The Russian Kremlin: 

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