Mon. Dec 9th, 2024

On 27 May (13.45 – 15.45), the EMPL Committee will hold the Hearing “Amazon attacks on fundamental workers’ rights and freedoms: freedom of assembly and association and the right to collective bargain and action”. The Hearing aims to examine, and get a better understanding of, reports revealed in the media about Amazon potentially monitoring its workers as well as other business and workplace practices, which might be in breach of European labour, data and privacy laws.

The Hearing aims to examine, and get a better understanding of, reports revealed in the media about Amazon potentially monitoring its workers as well as other business and workplace practices, which might be in breach of European labour, data and privacy laws. The Hearing also aims to identify the impact of these alleged activities on the fundamental rights of assembly, association, collective bargaining and action.

Source : © European Union, 2021 – EP

Source: Highlights – Public Hearing on Amazon and fundamental workers’ rights and freedoms – Committee on Employment and Social Affairs

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