Wed. Feb 12th, 2025

Brussels, 10 January 2025

Statement by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union on the events of 10 January 2025

The European Union stands in solidarity with the people of Venezuela, who voted peacefully on 28 July 2024 to determine the future of their country. Millions of Venezuelans voted for democratic change by supporting Edmundo González Urrutia by a significant majority, according to publicly available copies of electoral records (‘actas’). As the authorities have refused to publish official records from polling stations, the announced results remain unverified and cannot be recognised as representative of the will of the people. The Venezuelan authorities missed a key opportunity to respect the people’s will and ensure a transparent democratic transition with guarantees for all. Nicolás Maduro therefore lacks the legitimacy of a democratically elected president.

Since election day, Venezuelan authorities have hardened repression and harassment against the opposition and civil society and their families, imprisoning dissenting voices and forcing its own citizens to live in fear or go into exile. More than 2,500 citizens including minors were arrested and, while the EU takes note of the release of some of them, none should have spent a single day in custody. The EU calls on the authorities of Venezuela to end all unjust and arbitrary detentions, including of dual and foreign citizens, and to unconditionally release all political prisoners.

Venezuela must comply with its obligations under International Law, including the Vienna Conventions on Diplomatic and Consular relations. We urge the authorities to ensure the full respect of human rights including the right to peaceful assembly and the freedom of expression. The EU welcomes the return to Caracas of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) as a step in the right direction. We urge Venezuela to engage constructively and effectively with a fully fledged OHCHR, as well as with the UN Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Venezuela, the International Criminal Court and relevant regional mechanisms.

In view of this situation, the Council has decided to adopt a new package of targeted sanctions against 15 individuals responsible for undermining democracy, rule of law or human rights in Venezuela. The aim is to support a negotiated and democratic solution to the crisis. The EU has not adopted any measure that could inflict harm on the Venezuelan people or on the economy. The responsibility for ending the crisis in Venezuela lies with its authorities. The reversal of EU sanctions will depend on tangible progress in human rights and the rule of law in Venezuela, along with meaningful steps towards genuine dialogue and a democratic transition.

In 2025, the European Union will continue to address the urgent needs of the population of Venezuela, who suffer the consequences of the long humanitarian crisis. Last year alone, the EU committed almost 75 million Euros aimed at alleviating the suffering of the most vulnerable.

The European Union stands by all those upholding democratic values in Venezuela, including human rights defenders. The EU will continue to work with all Venezuelans, regional and international partners to foster dialogue and a democratic way out of the crisis led by Venezuelans that restores political stability, economic growth and social welfare to the millions of Venezuelans who face critical needs. The EU will pursue targeted engagement with the institutions and with political and civil society actors to address concerns and facilitate meaningful dialogue on human rights and the transition to democracy.

Source – EU Council


Venezuela: EU Council renews restrictive measures and lists a further 15 individuals in view of the situation in the country

Brussels, 10 January 2025

The Council has decided to prolong the restrictive measures in view of the situation in Venezuela for a further year, until 10 January 2026.

Additionally the Council reintroduced the travel restrictions applied to four individuals, which had been temporarily suspended in May 2024 with the objective of promoting the organisation of inclusive, credible and competitive elections in Venezuela in July 2024.

These decisions were taken in light of the persistent actions undermining democracy and the rule of law, as well as continued human rights violations and the repression of civil society and democratic opposition, including in relation to the conduct of and developments following the Presidential Elections of 28 July 2024.

In light of the post electoral developments in Venezuela and the lack of progress towards a Venezuelan-led dialogue leading to the restoration of democracy and the rule of law, and in view of the continued grave human rights situation in the country, the Council has also decided to adopt restrictive measures against 15 additional individuals. These individuals are members of the National Electoral Council of Venezuela (CNE), the judiciary, and the security forces.

This decision brings to 69 the total number of individuals subject to sanctions, which include an asset freeze and a prohibition on the provision of funds or economic resources both directly and indirectly to those listed. Additionally, they are subject to travel bans in the European Union.

The relevant legal acts have been published in the Official Journal of the European Union.


The EU introduced restrictive measures on Venezuela in November 2017. The measures include an embargo on arms and on equipment for internal repression, and the imposition of travel bans and asset freezes on listed individuals. These targeted measures are designed not to have adverse humanitarian effects or unintended consequences for the Venezuelan population, and can be reversed.

In its conclusions of 19 December 2024, the European Council reiterated its concern about the situation in Venezuela. It called for the release of all political detainees and for Venezuela to uphold its commitments under international law. The European Union will mobilise all the tools at its disposal to support democracy and a peaceful and inclusive transition in Venezuela.

Today, Canada, the UK and the US have also announced new sanctions on high-level Venezuelan officials.

Source – EU Council


Statement des EU-Abgeordneten und Vorsitzenden des Auswärtigen Ausschusses im EU-Parlament, David McAllister (CDU), zu Venezuela und zur “Amtseinführung” Maduros

Zur für heute geplanten “Amtseinführung” des venezolanischen Machthabers Nicolás Maduro erklärt David McAllister (CDU), Vorsitzender des Auswärtigen Ausschusses im Europäischen Parlament:

„In Venezuela blicken die Menschen ängstlich auf den heutigen 10. Januar, wenn Machthaber Nicolás Maduro seine dritte Präsidentschaft antreten will. Seit knapp zwei Jahrzenten befindet sich das Land in einer multidimensionalen Dauerkrise. Ursprung ist das immer autoritärer und repressiver handelnde chavistische Regime, dass seit 2013 vom linkssozialistischen Diktator Nicolás Maduro angeführt wird. Er ist nicht nur für die tiefgreifende Wirtschaftskrise im vormals reichsten Land Lateinamerikas verantwortlich, sondern auch für eine anhaltende und immer gravierendere humanitäre Krise. Die Menschen in Venezuela leiden seit Jahren unter Versorgungsknappheit, Hyperinflation und Armut sowie einer desolaten Gesundheitsversorgung und einem miserablen Bildungssystem.

Das Maduro Regime ist von Misswirtschaft und Korruption geprägt und seit 2019 zahlungsunfähig. Durch diesen desolaten Zustand des Landes kommt es zu einem Massenexodus. Seit 2014 haben 7,7 Millionen Menschen – rund 20% der Bevölkerung – das Land verlassen. Seit den Scheinwahlen Ende Juli 2024 hat sich dieser Trend weiter verschärft. Die Last auf den Nachbarstaaten wächst. 

Die Hoffnungen auf einen demokratischen Wandel wurden bitter enttäuscht. Das Maduro Regime hat die Wahlen manipuliert, Hoffnungsträger der Opposition, wie María Corina Machado, willkürlich disqualifiziert und politische Gegner inhaftiert. Trotz des Barbados-Abkommens von 2023, das freie Wahlen und politische Rechte sicherstellen sollte, hat Maduro seine Politik der Unterdrückung verschärft. Mit rund 270 Inhaftierten führt Venezuela laut Human Rights Watch inzwischen die traurige Statistik des Landes mit den meisten politischen Gefangenen in der westlichen Hemisphäre an – ein klares Zeugnis der Brutalität des Regimes. Die regimeoppositionellen demokratischen Kräfte sind entweder in Haft, im Exil oder untergetaucht. Sie, ihre Familien und Unterstützer stehen unter enormem Druck.

Geopolitisch hat sich Venezuela zu einer bedingungslosen Stütze für Russland, China und Iran in Lateinamerika entwickelt.

Die Europäische Union wird auch 2025 nicht müde werden, gemeinsam mit anderen internationalen Partnern die sofortige Rückkehr zu demokratischen Prozessen zu fordern.

In dieser schwierigen Zeit ist der Kampf der venezolanischen Opposition ein Zeichen von Hoffnung. Der politische Mut Edmundo González Urrutias ist bemerkenswert. Er will am 10. Januar in Venezuela sein und sich der politischen Verantwortung stellen. Auch aus diesem Grund hat das Europäische Parlament den demokratisch gewählten venezolanischen Präsidenten, Edmundo González Urrutia sowie die Oppositionsführerin, María Corina Machado, als führende Stimmen der demokratischen Kräfte in Venezuela mit dem Sacharow Preis 2024 für gedankliche Freiheit ausgezeichnet.

Die Europäische Union wird auch im nächsten Jahr geschlossen an der Seite des venezolanischen Volkes stehen. Die politischen und humanitären Herausforderungen, die dieses Land erlebt, erfordern eine klare internationale Antwort. Alle politischen Gefangenen müssen sofort freigelassen, die demokratische Ordnung wiederhergestellt und die systematischen Menschenrechtsverletzungen endlich beendet werden. 

Der Mut und die Ausdauer des venezolanischen Volkes sind bewundernswert. In einer Zeit, in der Autokratien weltweit an Einfluss gewinnen, ist der Kampf für die Demokratie in Venezuela nicht nur eine regionale Herausforderung, sondern eine globale Verantwortung.“

Quelle – CDU/CSU-Gruppe im EU-Parlament (per E-Mail)


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