Oslo, 4 December 2024
Nordic Energy Research presents its newly launched report Nordic Hydrogen Valleys – Value Chain Mapping Across the Region.
This first comprehensive mapping of Nordic hydrogen value chains establishes an overview of the status and nature of Nordic hydrogen projects. Together with an interactive digital tool, the ongoing development of Nordic hydrogen value chains is visualised. This provides decision-makers, investors, and society at large with the basis to make informed, knowledge-based decisions on clean hydrogen.
The results show a high level of activity on clean hydrogen in the Nordics, with 167 projects at varying stages of maturity, most of which are in the planning phase. Combined, they hold a future annual production capacity of eight million tonnes (270 TWh). Currently only 0.2% of the capacity is operational, with an additional 1% under construction.
Read more about the report and digital tool
Foreword by Klaus Skytte, CEO, Nordic Energy Research:
“The Nordic countries are committed to decarbonising their societies. To achieve our goal of becoming a carbon-neutral region, we must build hydrogen value chains that encompass production, processing, distribution and offtake.
The Nordics are uniquely positioned to lead the green transition by integrating hydrogen into our energy systems and fostering a clean hydrogen economy. With our abundant renewable energy resources, world-leading maritime sector and our energy-intensive industries, we can play a key role as producers, processors, users and exporters of hydrogen. Furthermore, our strong history of energy cooperation supports Nordic collaboration on hydrogen solutions as a logical step on the path to decarbonisation.
In this report, Nordic Energy Research maps hydrogen value chains across the Nordic region, showcasing cutting-edge developments and ongoing deployments. This provides decision-makers, investors and society at large with the insights needed to make informed, knowledge-based decisions.
Unlike international mappings of hydrogen value chains, this report and the digital tool developed for this project (available at nordich2valleys.org) are specifically designed to reflect Nordic conditions and regional energy systems. To this end, we have developed our own conceptual definitions of “hydrogen valley” and “hydrogen hotspot”, tailored specifically to suit the Nordic context.
I hope that this mapping will inspire the Nordics – and the world – to recognise our hydrogen potential and envision the steps we can take together to make Nordic hydrogen valleys a reality.”