Thu. Feb 13th, 2025

Brussels, 6 July 2023

NATO’s Assistant Secretary General for Operations, Tom Goffus, reiterated NATO’s steadfast commitment to promote regional stability during a visit to Kosovo on Wednesday (5 July 2023). Mr Goffus met with representatives of the Institutions in Kosovo, as well as with the Commander of the NATO-led KFOR mission, the Head of the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX), and other representatives of the international community.

“It is urgent that both Pristina and Belgrade take immediate steps towards de-escalation… it is also essential that both sides appropriately coordinate actions on the ground and respect existing agreements,” he said.

“While KFOR has proven essential in the ongoing environment, the solution for lasting stability is a political one. It is critical that both Kosovo and Serbia engage constructively in the EU-facilitated dialogue. We call on both sides to implement, as soon as possible and in full, the Basic Agreement and its Implementation Annex agreed in Ohrid,” he said.

“Our KFOR mission continues to provide a safe and secure environment in Kosovo in accordance with our mandate, based on the UN Security Council Resolution 1244 of 1999,” he said.

Source – NATO
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