Wed. Sep 18th, 2024

Brussels, 27 February 2023
EU energy and transport ministers met in Stockholm today, 27 February, at an informal ministerial meeting to discuss the future of the energy market and transport policy.

“Europe is facing major energy supply challenges, and together we must focus on the long-term perspective to develop the common energy market,” says Minister for Energy, Business and Industry Ebba Busch.

The energy ministers discussed the energy market and energy supply, focusing on preparations for next winter and beyond. The transport ministers discussed future transport policy for a competitive and climate smart Europe. A joint session on energy and transport policy for the transport sector beyond 2030 was held in the afternoon.

“The green transition is hugely significant in the transport sector, and it’s important for Member States to meet and have the opportunity to exchange experience on what’s been done and what needs to be done going forward,” says Minister for Infrastructure and Housing Andreas Carlson.

Monday’s meeting concluded with a joint press conference, at which Ms Busch, Mr Carlson, European Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson and European Commissioner for Transport Adina Vălean summarised the day’s sessions.

The meeting will continue tomorrow, 28 February, with discussions on future energy policy for industrial competitiveness in all Member States and preparations ahead of the implementation of the EU Fit for 55 climate package. There will also be a study visit, with the programme including test
driving electric heavy goods vehicles and other electric vehicles.

Source – EU Council


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