Mon. Sep 9th, 2024

State Secretary at Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. Sven Giegold, and the responsible staff members of the Ministry today continued the consultations on the planned military equipment export control act. Following last week’s meeting with representatives of academia, civil society and churches to discuss the new military equipment export control act planned by the Federal Government, State Secretary Giegold today engaged in an exchange of views with representatives from companies and business associations in the defense industry. This meeting and the one held last week mark the start of the Federal Government’s public work on the proposed act.

State Secretary Sven Giegold said: “The government parties have agreed to pass a military equipment export control act which is an important project for the current legislative period. In view of the war in Ukraine, it has become particularly apparent how necessary it is to have clear and binding rules for exports of military equipment. A transparent legislative process paves the way for a broad discussion based on democratic principles as to which exports of military equipment are legitimate for good reasons and which are not.

There is broad consensus between the German government and Germany’s defence industry that we need not only national rules for exports of military equipment, but also enforceable European rules. In addition, there is a lot of scope for reducing unnecessary red tape as regards the approval procedure for such exports. The new law will establish binding rules for a restrictive policy on exports of military equipment. The legislative process will be carried out in a transparent manner and – following the European model – involve all interested parties in the same vein. All participants from academia, the defence industry, non-governmental organisations and churches deserve thanks for their written contributions and their discussions based on mutual respect.”

Based on the coalition agreement, the Federal Government is currently drafting a military equipment export control act under the lead responsibility of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. For the first time in German history, the Federal Government will lay down comprehensive legal rules for the export control of military equipment. Today’s meeting is one of two expert discussions held in the context of drafting the new law. On 6 April, State Secretary Giegold met with representatives of companies and associations from the defence industry to discuss what they expect from the new law. The minutes of both hearings will also be published. The Federal Government will then develop key points for a corresponding law.

All statements and further information can be found here (in german).


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