Wed. Feb 12th, 2025

Brussels, 3 May 2023

The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of joint control of AWB Aluminiumwerk Berlin GmbH (‘AWB’) by Schüco International KG (‘Schüco’), both of Germany, Metallinvest Holding GmbH (‘Metallinvest’) and RSFB Technologie Ges mbH, (‘RSFB’), both of Austria.

AWB is active in extrusions of aluminium soft alloys. Schüco is active in the development, manufacturing and sale of building systems for facades made of aluminium, steel and plastic. Through its parent company, it is also active in metal processing, including extrusion of aluminium soft alloys. Metallinvest and RSFB operate solely as holding companies.

The Commission concluded that the proposed acquisition would raise no competition concerns, given the low combined market shares of the merging companies in the market for aluminium soft-alloy extrusions. In addition, even though there are vertical links between the companies, they would not have the ability to engage in foreclosure practices.

The transaction was examined under the normal merger review procedure. More information is available on the Commission’s competition website, in the public case register under the case number M.10917.

Source – EU Commission

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