Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

Potential large-scale fraud involving a Slovakian paying agency will be discussed on Monday at 16:45 with Slovakian Minister of Agriculture Samuel Vlčan.

The debate in the Budgetary Control Committee will focus on following up on the investigation conducted by the EU Anti-Fraud office (OLAF) that found irregularities in the disbursement of the EU agricultural funds in Slovakia.

European Commission and OLAF representatives and the Slovakian Minister of Agriculture Samuel Vlčan will join the discussion.

WHERE: Spinelli 3E2

WHEN: Monday 25 October at 16:45 CET

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OLAF closed three cases on EU agricultural funds in Slovakia in January this year, finding irregularities in direct payments and systemic weaknesses in national verification procedures, as well as several weaknesses in the control and management system for direct payments in Slovakia.

The Commission’s Directorate-General for Agriculture has also carried out an audit, the follow-up phase of which is still ongoing.

Further information

Source – EP:


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