Fri. Feb 14th, 2025

The European Commission has decided today to appoint Marina Zanchi as Principal Adviser, serving as Director for the newly created Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA).

HaDEA addresses the European Commission’s ambition to help rebuild a post-COVID-19 Europe at its heart, which will be greener, more digital, more resilient and better fit for the current and forthcoming challenges.

Marina Zanchi is endowed with robust management and communication skills. She has a deep knowledge of the European policies and programmes in the field of the Executive Agency’s competencies. She has also obtained many years of experience in financial management, control and supervision of budget execution in European institutions as well as a thorough understanding of the key human resources processes in the Commission.

Marina Zanchi, an Italian national, is currently Head of Department ‘Future Society’ in the European Research Executive Agency and is responsible for the implementation of a range of Horizon Europe Research Programme components: Culture, Creativity, Inclusive Society; Secure Society; Research Infrastructures; Widening Participation and Strengthening European Research Area. Previously she was Head of unit ‘Executive Agencies & Funding Bodies’ in the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (RTD), where she was in charge of the design and coordination of the policies for the implementation of the Research and Innovation programmes by Executive Agencies, Joint Undertakings and other funding bodies.

Prior to that, she headed different units in DG RTD and in the Directorate-General for Informatics. Before joining the Commission in 1992, she worked as Legal Officer and Information Officer for the Food and Agriculture Organisation, and the International Atomic Energy Agency of the United Nations.

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