Fri. Feb 14th, 2025
Ministers took stock of the implementation of the EU’s recovery fund. They exchanged views on the Council implementing decisions on the approval of national recovery and resilience plans for Estonia, Finland and Romania and welcomed the Commission’s positive assessments of all three plans. The decisions will be adopted via written procedure by 29 October, which will allow these countries to obtain their requested 13% pre-financing.

Our work on the European recovery continues. We are progressing with the approval of the recovery plans. With the planned investments and reforms, we can become more resilient as the EU economy and society. Their successful implementation is now the key to ensuring a strong and sustained recovery – Andrej Šircelj, Slovenia’s Minister for Finance

Once the decisions on Estonia’s, Finland’s and Romania’s plans are formally approved this week, 22 member states will have received the green light for their recovery spending plans. The plans lay down the measures that will be taken at national level to foster the economic recovery with the help of the EU’s unprecedented €672.5 billion in support (in 2018 prices). To ensure a sustainable European recovery, a strong focus is put on green and digital targets, which account for at least 37% and 20% of the expenditure respectively.

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