Fri. Feb 14th, 2025

Brussels, 3 December 2024

Smoke- and aerosol-free environments

The Council adopted a recommendation that will help reduce exposure to second-hand smoke and aerosols and achieve a tobacco-free generation in Europe by 2040, as set out in Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan.

The recommendation encourages EU countries to broaden the scope of their existing protection against second-hand smoke exposure to include key outdoor areas like playgrounds and restaurant terraces. The new measures will also apply to emerging tobacco and related products such as e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products (HTPs).

The fight against non-communicable diseases, such as cancer and cardiovascular disease, is a priority for the Hungarian presidency. Today’s recommendation will help prevent such diseases by reducing the likelihood of exposure to second-hand smoke and aerosols, particularly among children and young people.

Péter Takács, Hungarian Minister of State for Health


The European Health Union in light of the Draghi report

Ministers held an exchange of views on the European Health Union in light of the report on the future of European competitiveness, which was published by Mario Draghi in September 2024.

Health ministers discussed the conclusions and recommendations in the Draghi report as they relate to health challenges, focusing on the synergies and gaps between the report and the priorities of the Council, including those set out in its conclusions on the Future of the European Health Union. They assessed the potential impact of the recommendations on national healthcare systems and the European Health Union. They also explored ways for member states and the Commission to coordinate the implementation of the recommendations.


Cardiovascular health in the EU

The Council approved conclusions on the improvement of cardiovascular health in the European Union. The conclusions aim to enhance prevention, early detection, treatment and rehabilitation, as well as to reduce the social and economic burden of cardiovascular diseases.

The Council invites member states and the Commission to take measures such as strengthening health promotion and primary prevention policies, improving health literacy, and sharing best practice.

Cardiovascular diseases have a devastating impact on individuals and their families, yet in most cases they can be prevented by addressing underlying risk factors through healthier lifestyle choices. Screening and better access to treatment are essential elements to reduce the impact of CVDs. Today’s conclusions reflect our commitment to improving cardiovascular health throughout the EU.

Péter Takács, Hungarian Secretary of State for Health


Organ donation and transplantation

The Council approved conclusions on enhancing organ donation and transplantation. The conclusions aim to renew the political momentum to further improve organ donation and transplantation practices throughout Europe. In particular, they call on the Commission to update  the EU action plan on Organ Donation and Transplantation.


Pharmaceutical package

Ministers took note of a progress report on the pharmaceutical package. This package, made up of a regulation and a directive, was published in April 2023 with the aim of adapting and simplifying the current regulatory landscape.


Other business

The following topics were raised under ‘other business’:

  • Presidency conferences (information from the presidency)
  • Negotiations for an international agreement on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, as well as complementary amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) (information from the presidency and the Commission)
  • Work programme of the incoming presidency (information from Poland)
  • Health sector as a key part of the future preparedness Union strategy (information from Finland on behalf of Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta and Spain)
  • Tackling the sale of unauthorised medicines to European citizens (information from Belgium, Cyprus, Ireland and Spain)
  • Necessary reforms in the Medical Device and In vitro Diagnostic Medical Device Regulations (information from Croatia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Romania and Slovenia)
  • Voluntary cooperation for joint procurement of medicinal products (information from Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Greece, Latvia, Malta and Slovenia)
Informal lunch debate

Over lunch, an informal debate took place on the topic of short- and long-term actions for the security of supply of medicines.

Preparatory documents
Outcome documents
Press releases

Source – EU Council


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