Brussels, 21 February 2023
March European Council
The Council started preparations for the European Council meeting on 23-24 March 2023 by discussing an annotated draft agenda.
At its meeting in March, the European Council will address Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine in all its dimensions and the EU’s continued support to Ukraine and its people.
EU leaders will also address competitiveness, single market and the economy. They will discuss Europe’s long-term strategy to boost competitiveness and productivity, and how to make the EU’s economic, industrial and technological base fit for the green and digital transitions. They will also hold a strategic discussion on EU trade policy and address the reform of the EU economic governance framework, as well as the 2023 European Semester.
The European Council will also take stock of progress in the implementation of its conclusions on energy. The Presidency and the Commission will inform EU leaders on progress in the implementation of the recent conclusions on migration.
In the light of events, the European Council may address specific foreign policy issues.
Earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria
The Presidency briefed ministers on follow-up to the earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria.
It highlighted the massive humanitarian needs on the ground and gave an overview of the coordination efforts within the EU’s integrated political crisis response (IPCR) mechanism.
It also pointed out that the Presidency together with the Commission will hold a Donors’ Conference in March to mobilise funds from the international community in support for the people of Türkiye and Syria.
The earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria have left behind horrible destruction. We need to use all the tools at our disposal to ensure that help gets to the people in need. The Donors’ Conference will help raise resources in support of the early recovery and relief in the affected areas.
Jessika Roswall, Minister for EU Affairs of Sweden
- Earthquake: EU support for Türkiye and Syria (background information)
- Donors’ Conference for the people of Türkiye and Syria affected by the earthquake (Swedish presidency of the Council)
Disaster resilience
The Commission presented its communication and recommendation on ‘EU disaster resilience goals’, published on 8 February 2023.
The aim of these initiatives is to improve the capacity of the EU, its member states and participating states to the EU Civil Protection Mechanism to anticipate and withstand the effects of future major disasters and emergencies, including natural disasters, such as earthquakes, floods and forest fires.
- Commission recommendation and communication on ‘EU disaster resilience goals’
- EU civil protection (background information)
Istanbul convention
As an item without discussion, the Council requested the consent of the European Parliament to adopt the decisions on the conclusion by the EU of the convention on preventing and combatting violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul convention).
The conclusion of the convention will reinforce the existing legal framework in the area of criminal procedural law and contribute to achieving equality between women and men in all areas.
The Council formally adopted a regulation that will enable member states to add a new REPowerEU chapter to their national recovery and resilience plans under NextGenerationEU. The purpose is to finance key investments and reforms that will help the EU diversify its energy supplies and end its dependency on Russian fossil fuel imports.
The Council also approved the other items on the lists of legislative and non-legislative A items without discussion.
Source – EU Council