Brussels, 16 May 2024
Luxembourg today submitted a request to add a REPowerEU chapter to its recovery and resilience plan. This chapter includes a new reform to promote the production and adoption of sustainable biogas, as well as three new investments to achieve the REPowerEU objectives. These investments concern energy efficiency, renewable energies and zero-emission mobility; grants for people renovating their homes or buying electric cars and bikes, as well as grants for businesses installing solar panels on their premises.
The proposed revision of the plan also modifies two previous measures: it withdraws a sustainable housing project, the discovery of a natural habitat of protected species having prevented its completion on time; and it makes a slight modification to an investment relating to a medical remote monitoring application, due to technical constraints. Funding for the housing project will be reallocated to the REPowerEU chapter.
Luxembourg has requested the transfer of its share of the Brexit adjustment reserve, i.e. 128 million euros, to its recovery and resilience plan. Together with the allocation of its REPowerEU grant (€30 million), these funds bring the EU’s total contribution to Luxembourg’s REPowerEU chapter to €158 million, and bring the total of its recovery and recovery plan resilience at 241 million euros.
The Commission now has two months to assess whether the amended plan still meets the assessment criteria of the RRF Regulation. If the Commission’s assessment is positive, it will propose a revised Council implementing decision, to reflect the changes made to Luxembourg’s plan. Member states will then have up to four weeks to approve the Commission’s assessment.
Translated from French with support of Google Translate.
Source – EU Commission