Mon. Feb 17th, 2025

Brussels, 16 August 2023

The European Union follows with great attention and concern the latest violent events in Libya.

While clashes in Tripoli appear to have subsided, the European Union urges all parties to continue to refrain from armed hostilities and to engage in dialogue in order to de-escalate the situation and restore calm.

The EU also calls on all parties involved in acts of violence to uphold their obligations under International Humanitarian Law and to ensure the protection of civilians.

Libyans are tired of being caught in crossfire and deserve their aspirations for peace to be finally heard and fulfilled.

The latest events are a vivid reminder of the fragility of the security situation in Libya and the urgent need for elections in order to find a sustainable and inclusive political solution.

The EU reiterates its firm support to the mediation efforts led by the UN and its representative on the ground, Abdoulaye Bathily.

Source – EEAS

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