31 May 2022
Speech: Key priorities for EU retail fund investors – Verena Ross at the Irish Funds Annual Conference
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am very pleased to have been invited to address the Irish Funds Annual Global Funds Conference and it is a particular pleasure to be able to do this in person here in the Convention Centre in Dublin. While I appreciate the flexibility that virtual interaction brings – moving from an international meeting of the FSB to a speech at a conference in a matter of seconds – it is not the same as personal interactions during these kinds of events where we can really exchange and learn from each other’s perspectives.
Today I want to give ESMA’s perspectives on key priorities for European retail fund investors. With rising inflation and economic headwinds, now is the right time to look at how key policies can support the European Commission’s objective of “an economy that works for people”. ESMA has always given prominence to its objective to protect investors and we will certainly continue to look out for retail investors.
Read the full speech in the embedded PDF below:
Source – ESMA: https://www.esma.europa.eu/sites/default/files/library/esma34-466-284_verena_ross_speech_-_irish_funds_2022.pdf