Sun. Feb 16th, 2025

Brussels, 26 July 2023

EU-Israel relations are based on shared values, including the separation of powers and the rule of law, where the independent judiciary is an essential element to ensure effective checks and balances.

While the specific arrangements related to the judicial reform and its scope are to be decided by the Israelis, it is important that the core values on which our partnership is based are preserved.

The European Union calls on the Israeli government to continue to seek a broad consensus and aim for a process that is inclusive. It is important to reach a compromise which would be acceptable for the Israeli citizens and political parties.

The ongoing debates and demonstrations are a sign that a considerable part of the Israeli population is concerned about the reforms and that Israel is a vibrant democracy.

Source – EEAS

French Government on situation in Israel


Paris, 26 July 2023

France is deeply committed to democratic principles, which have formed the basis of our friendship with Israel since it gained independence.

France, a friend of Israel, calls on the Israeli authorities to address every issue that is fundamental to the institutions of democratic countries in a spirit of consensus.

The Knesset’s July 24th adoption of a law restricting the prerogatives of the Supreme Court despite strong protests deviates from these principles.

Source – French Government

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