- Einladung zur Teilnahme am Tag der Städtebauförderung – Smart City Dialog
- Beschleunigter Wandel und Resilienz: Zweite Sitzung der Nationalen Dialogplattform Smart Cities 3.0
- Smart Cities befähigen – Handlungsansätze zur europäischen Vernetzung (#vernetztinEuropa)
- Open the curtain for Discussion and Focus groups
- EU Cohesion Policy beyond 2027: Commission establishes High-Level Reflection Group
- REGI Committee: State aid rules must not jeopardize EU cohesion
- European Parliament REGI Committee: Presentation of the Communication on Harnessing talent in Europe’s regions
- SPROUT final conference: Understanding the transition in urban mobility to navigate future policy
- Harmony Final Event
- Welcome to the latest CIVITAS MOVE!
- CIVITAS launches Visual Story Competition
- New members at CIVITAS
- Normal, Schnell, Laterne: So gelingt der bedarfsgerechte Ausbau der öffentlichen Ladeinfrastruktur!
- Latest publications by ELTIS
- First-of-its-kind incident data involving shared e-scooters published
- Italy to install 21 000 electric vehicle charging stations by 2026
- Life After Linear: Making EV Batteries Circular
- Gender equal mobility: beyond the ‘vulnerable user’ paradigm
- 90% of Barcelonians live within 300 metres distance of a cycle lane
- How the NetZeroCities Portal can help your city reach climate neutrality
- BMWK: SmartLivingNEXT call for funding published: around €25 million for AI-based ecosystems for sustainable digital services
- Smart Cities in Deutschland
- Deutsche Koordinierungs- und Transferstelle Modellprojekte Smart Cities (KTS)
- Smart Cities – KfW Zuschüsse für Stadtentwicklung und Digitalisierung
- Was ist Smart City Bochum – das Konzept?
- Detmold: Die co-kreative Stadt
- Münster: Modellprojekte Smart Cities
- EU and Singapore launch Digital Partnership
- More dollars will be available for infrastructure projects and digital construction management in 2023 – American City & County
- Latest links to stories published by Next City
- Greener School Playgrounds Are An Overlooked Climate Solution
- Here’s How Philadelphia’s First Guaranteed Income Program Is Going
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