Thu. Feb 13th, 2025
The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.
  • EU priorities at the 78th UN General Assembly: EU Council approves conclusions
  • MEPs call for renewed commitment to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
  • Non-transposition of EU legislation: EU Commission takes action to ensure complete and timely transposition of EU directives
  • EU legislations on seeds and plant reproductive material: derogations for organic varieties of agricultural plant and vegetable species suitable for organic production
  • EU plant health legislation: EU regulated non-quarantine pests on propagating material of ornamental plants, fruit plant propagating material and fruit plants intended for fruit production
  • Dangerous goods: updated rules on carriage of dangerous goods by road, rail and inland waterways
  • Defence industry: update of the list of defence-related products
  • Disclosure of tax information: public country-by-country reporting on the amount of corporate taxes
  • Motor Insurance Directive: protection of injured parties in case of insolvency of insurer
  • Trade with the United States: Council authorises negotiations on EU-US Critical Minerals Agreement
  • EEB: Raw Material Regulation could reshape the Green Transition, but more ambition is needed
  • Save the date: 5. Weltchemikalienkonferenz (ICCM5)
  • Draft Agenda & Confirmed Speakers! – Chemical Recycling Europe Forum 2023
  • Agriculture MEPs travel to Israel to look into irrigation solutions
  • Net-Zero Industrial Act: Green industrial policy in motion
  • Highlights of the agenda of the informal ministerial meeting on health, 28 July 2023
  • HERA convenes industry to discuss solutions to potential antibiotic shortages.
  • EMA: OPEN framework extended to a wider range of medicines
  • Follow‐up of the re‐evaluation of glycerol esters of wood rosins (E 445) as a food additive
  • Pest categorisation of Hoplolaimus galeatus
  • Pest categorisation of the avocado sunblotch viroid
  • CM 3964 2023 INIT Informal videoconference of the members of the Working Party on International Environment Issues (Biodiversity)
  • COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION terminating the procedure for authorising the placing on the market of cannabidiol distillate from Cannabis sativa L. (NF/2021/2464) as a novel food without updating the Union list of novel foods
  • COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION terminating the procedure for authorising the placing on the market of cannabidiol obtained from Cannabis sativa L. (NF/2021/0028) as a novel food without updating the Union list of novel foods
  • COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION terminating the procedures for authorising the placing on the market of cannabidiol extracted from Cannabis sativa L. (NF/2021/1798 and NF/2021/2192) as novel foods without updating the Union list of novel foods
  • COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION approving the financial contribution to the major project “Regional project for development of water and waste water infrastructure in Bacău County”, selected as part of the operational programme “Large Infrastructure” in Romania CCI 2020RO16CFMP012


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