- MEP REPORT on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulations (EU) No 1227/2011 and (EU) 2019/942 to improve the Union’s protection against market manipulation in the wholesale energy market
- ENTSO-E publishes the final TYNDP 2024 Guidance for promoters after public consultation
- ENTSO-E: Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management Cost Report 2022 released
- New Electricity Data Tool at Eurelectric’s #PowerBarometer23
- IAEA Conducts Its First Seawater Sampling After Japan’s Discharge of ALPS Treated Water, Finds Tritium Level Below Limit
- Update 182 – IAEA Director General Statement on Situation in Ukraine
- IAEA Board of Governors Meeting starting 11 September 2023
- NextGenerationEU : La Roumanie présente une demande de modification de son plan pour la reprise et la résilience et d’ajout d’un chapitre REPowerEU
- Norway and Germany take next step in hydrogen cooperation
- Latest hydrogen industries headlines
- Japan’s JFE to convert Kawasaki site into hydrogen base
- Taiwanese and Slovakian manufacturers collaborate on hydrogen-powered vehicles
- WAE Technologies (WAE) launches ultra-high performance hydrogen fuel cell electric architecture, EVRh
- Korean team develops 2L-class direct-injection hydrogen-fueled engine
- ARPA-E to award $20M to explore potential of geologic hydrogen
- WAE showcases configurable hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicle tech
- NTPC Green Energy, V O Chidambaranar Port Authority To Develop Green Hydrogen Hub In Tamil Nadu
- H2Fly – Breaking the Hydrogen Barrier
- DSI pursuing private sector partnerships to industrialise hydrogen catalyser projects
- UK North Sea Transition Authority to Regulate Offshore Hydrogen Ops
- Adani Enterprises Ties Up With Kowa Singapore For Green Hydrogen And Ammonia
- Enervenue to mass produce newest ‘30,000 cycle’ metal-hydrogen batteries in Kentucky
- Toyota builds California hydrogen site for cars and power
- Hydrogen truck from Gebrüder Weiss gets solar car moving
- Entergy and Monarch Energy Collaborate to Advance South Louisiana Green Hydrogen Infrastructure
- IEA-ECB-EIB Conference on Ensuring an Orderly Energy Transition
- Wind Europe: UK’s badly designed CfD auction attracts not a single investor
- State aid: Commission approves €132 million Dutch scheme to promote energy saving investments in glasshouse horticulture
- Startschuss für klimafreundliches Heizen: Bundestag beschließt Novelle des Gebäudeenergiegesetzes
- VKU: Gebäudeenergiegesetz bringt Wärmewende voran
- German Building Law Puts Europe’s Heating Transition on Shaky Grounds
- IMF Working Paper No. 2023/185 : Spillovers from Russia to Neighboring Countries: Transmission Channels and Policy Options
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