Thu. Feb 13th, 2025
  • EU Commissioners Simson and Várhelyi at the 8th Ministerial Meeting of the Southern Gas Corridor Advisory Council in Azerbaijan
  • ACER provides two Opinions on bi-directional gas capacity Decisions
  • ENTSO-E: 13 RDI project concepts for TSO collaboration: the Implementation Report 2021-2025 is out!
  • Competition on the merits in liberalised electricity markets: AG Rantos’ Opinion in Servizio Elettrico Nazionale – Florence School of Regulation
  • EU Commission: Answer to a written question – Horizon Europe support for next‑generation renewable energy sources – E-005126/2021(ASW)
  • DIW: Gaspreisschock macht kurzfristige Unterstützung und langfristige Effizienzverbesserung erforderlich
  • Phasing out fossil gas in the EU by 2050: decarbonisation pathways for the sectors, industry, buildings and power – Agora event
  • Documents signed for lithium production project at Kovyktinskoye field
  • 23/2022 : 3 February 2022 – Opinion of the Advocate General in the case C-121/21
  • Secretary-General Lentz and Deputy Secretary-General Hirose visit the Indonesian Ambassador – Energy Charter
  • Industry Advisory Panel welcomes Marcogaz as its newest member – Energy Charter
  • Latest publications on hydrogen
    • Aicox Partner GenCell to Deliver Hydrogen Power to MNOs in Spain
    • CEMEX Ventures invests in HiiROC clean hydrogen production startup
    • EQT Joins Alliance to Establish Hydrogen Hub in Appalachia
    • With a plan to decarbonize home heating with hydrogen, Modern Electron raises $30M
    • World’s First Liquid Hydrogen Ferry To Be Powered By Ballard Fuel Cell Modules
    • H2-Industries to build 1 gigawatt waste-to-hydrogen plant in Egypt
    • Ultrasensitive determination of intracellular hydrogen peroxide by equipping quantum dots with a sensing layer via self-passivation
    • Determination of the initial hydrogen isotopic composition of the solar system
    • A shorted membrane electrochemical cell powered by hydrogen to remove CO2 from the air feed of hydroxide exchange membrane fuel cells
    • Hydrogen bonding assisted OH− transport under low humidity for rapid start-up in AEMFCs
    • Construction of rGO-SnO2 heterojunction for enhanced hydrogen detection
    • Investigating the effect of systematically modifying the molar ratio of hydrogen bond donor and acceptor on solvation characteristics of deep eutectic solvents formed using choline chloride salt and polyalcohols
    • Three-dimensional nano assembly of nickel cobalt sulphide/polyaniline@polyoxometalate/reduced graphene oxide hybrid with superior lithium storage and electrocatalytic properties for hydrogen evolution reaction
    • Ni and Fe nanoparticles, alloy and Ni/Fe-Nx coordination co-boost the catalytic activity of the carbon-based catalyst for triiodide reduction and hydrogen evolution reaction
    • Vanadium pentoxide flat-nanofiber networked thin layer-structure to initiate intercalated polymerization for rapidly producing superior conductive hydrogel and its biomimetic hydrogen peroxide sensing application
    • Phosphorus Modified Ni-MOF–74/BiVO4 S-scheme Heterojunction for Enhanced Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution
    • Dehydrogenation of Homocyclic Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers (LOHCs) Over Pt Supported on an Ordered Pore Structure of 3-D Cubic Mesoporous KIT-6 Silica
    • Mesoporous RhTe nanowires towards all-pH-value hydrogen evolution electrocatalysis
    • An Axial 4-Mercaptopyridine Substituted IrIIItriarylcorrole Self-Assembled Monolayers on a Gold Electrode for Efficient Hydrogen Evolutions and Oxidation Reductions
    • Design and Performance Boost of a MOF-Functionalized-Wood Solar Evaporator through Tuning the Hydrogen-Bonding Interactions
    • A mono-oxo-bridged binuclear iron(III) complex with a Fe–O–Fe angle of 180.0° and its catalytic activity for hydrogen evolution
    • Nanoarchitectonics of uniformly distributed noble-metal-free CoP in g-C3N4 via in-situ fabrication for enhanced photocatalytic and electrocatalytic hydrogen production
    • Core-shell structured and hydrogen-evolution-suppressing zinc anode for high stability Zn-Ni secondary battery
    • In situ integration of cobalt diselenide nanoparticles on CNTs realizing durable hydrogen evolution
    • New System Turns “Waste” Carbon into Valuable Chemicals While Generating Useful Hydrogen
    • Hypergolic ignition of hydrogen peroxide with various solid fuels
    • ‘We will produce carbon-negative green hydrogen from non-recyclable waste at zero or below-zero cost’
    • How much hydrogen is in Type Ib and IIb supernova progenitors?
    • Sulfide Oxidation Tuning in 4,8-bis(5-(2-ethylhexyl)thiophen-2-yl)benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b’]dithiophene Based Dual Acceptor Copolymers for Highly Efficient Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution
    • Hydrogen and Helium Shock Phenomena during Rising Light in RR Lyrae Fundamental Mode Pulsators
    • A large octupole magnetic trap for research with atomic hydrogen
    • CAF and Iberdrola sign agreement to use green hydrogen for rail
    • India’s GAIL starts hydrogen blending in gas network
    • Uracil-Mediated Supramolecular Assembly for C-enriched Porous Carbon Nitride with Enhanced Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution
    • Ab initio approach for thermodynamic surface phases with full consideration of anharmonic effects — the example of hydrogen at Si(100). (arXiv:2202.01193v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci])
  • Monitoring-Bericht zur Energiewende veröffentlicht
  • CM 1427 2022 INIT Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) …/… of 14 December 2021 amending Annex VII to Directive (EU) 2018/2001 as regards a methodology for calculating the amount of renewable energy used for cooling and district cooling – Decision to request an extension of the time-limit – Initiation of written procedure


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