- Public hearing on the energy aspects of the Fit for 55 package – Committee on Industry, Research and Energy
- EU Commission launches new project that puts citizens in the center of the Energy Transition
- International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP): Reaction to proposed market interventions in the context of 2021 energy price rises
- CER: Why have Europe’s energy prices spiked and what can the EU do about them?
- Petition: MEPs Sven Giegold and Bas Eickhout (Greens/EFA) see “Europe’s clean energy supply at risk”
- Bruegel: Will there be enough gas for Europe this winter?
- Die Grünen/EFA zurTaxonomie/Atomkraft: Merkel macht Weg frei für Greenwashing von Atom und Gas
- Alexey Miller and Moldova’s Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Spinu continue negotiations on gas supplies
- Gazprom aiming to expand liquefied natural gas production for foreign and domestic markets
- Gazprom’s production increase to cover about one-third of global gas consumption growth in 2021
- 432 kilometers built within Power of Siberia gas pipeline’s section between Kovyktinskoye and Chayandinskoye fields
- IAEA Modelling Shows High Natural Gas Prices Shift Optimal Hydrogen Production to Nuclear Energy
- IAEA Director-General Meets with EU: Human Health, Energy and Non-Proliferation
- COMMISSION OPINION on the draft single programming document for 2022-2026 of the Joint Undertaking for ITER and the development of Fusion Energy
- COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) …/… supplementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1700 of the European Parliament and of the Council by specifying the number and the title of the variables in the income and living conditions domain on Labour market and housing, Intergenerational transmission of advantages and disadvantages, Housing difficulties, and the 2023 ad hoc subject on Households energy efficiency
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