Fri. Feb 14th, 2025
energy efficiency, energy, energy class
Energy performance of buildings. Photo by OpenClipart-Vectors on Pixabay
  • Informal meeting of tele­communications, transport, energy ministers
  • Les commissaires Vălean et Simson participeront aux réunions informelles des ministres européens de l’Energie et des Transports en Suède la semaine prochaine
  • Demand-side data and energy efficiency indicators
  • Innovationsbeauftragter „Grüner Wasserstoff“ Till Mansmann besucht das DLR Lampoldshausen
  • Latest hydrogen headlines
  • RWE proposes the first hydrogen cavern storage facility
  • Zero-emission truck-maker Nikola to open big rig hydrogen fuel station in West Sacramento
  • We’ll also have to look at Hydrogen engine technology development: C V Raman
  • Hull of the world’s 1st inland hydrogen vessel reaches Rotterdam
  • New tech to reduce green hydrogen production cost
  • Vertom splashes 2nd methanol/hydrogen-ready electric bulker
  • Renewables, tax breaks, hydrogen corridor make headlines
  • Road to sustainable mobility in India with green hydrogen
  • New membrane technology to reduce cost of green hydrogen production
  • BDEW zu Energiepreisen/Interview-Äußerungen von Bundeskanzler Scholz
  • Festlegung der Höchstwerte für Biomasseanlagen –  Bundesnetzagentur
  • COMMISSION DECISION on the financing of actions under the prerogatives of the Commission and its specific powers in the field of energy, and adoption of the work programme for 2023
  • Commission Notice Guidance on Recovery and Resilience Plans in the context of REPowerEU

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