Sun. Jan 26th, 2025
electric charge, road sign, sign
EU wants to expand battery-electric vehicles. Photo by paulbr75 on Pixabay
  • Transport infrastructure: EUR 189 million of EU funding for projects contributing to greener mobility
  • Technologie-Plattform PtL: DLR forscht für industrielle Produktion strombasierter Kraftstoffe
  • Statement von Gernot Ehler (EVP/CDU) zur Strommarktreform
  • Markus Ferber (EVP/CSU) zum Strommarktdesign: Keine Abkehr von marktwirtschaftlichen Prinzipien
  • BusinessEurope on the reform of the EU electricity market design: Step in the right direction
  • BDI zu Reformplänen der EU-Kommission: Strommarkt mit Augenmaß optimieren
  • S&Ds: Cost of improving energy performance of buildings must not be on the shoulders of vulnerable
  • EU-Gebäuderichtlinie: Sanierungsoffensive als Hiobsbotschaft
  • Reform of EU gas market: new measures to decarbonise and secure supply
  • Gas markets directive: Press conference with rapporteur Jens Geier
  • Speech by President von der Leyen at the European Parliament Plenary on the preparation of the European Council meeting of 23-24 March 2023
  • ACER invites EU market electricity participants to take part in a survey on the second auctions in the day-ahead market
  • ENTSOG public workshop on preliminary draft Cost Benefit Analysis Methodology
  • Representative of the Jordanian Acting Chairmanship visits the Secretariat – Energy Charter
  • BDEW zum Gesetz zum Neustart der Digitalisierung der Energiewende
  • Presentations from the workshop “Towards an EU Roadmap for Hydrogen Valleys” are now available
  • Latest hydrogen headlines
  • 1st U.S. hydrogen-powered ferry arrives in San Francisco
  • San Francisco Welcomes World’s First Hydrogen-Powered Commercial Ferry
  • Liebherr highlights hydrogen direct injection engines at Conexpo 2023
  • TheGreenBillions eyeing Australia for its first overseas expansion in green hydrogen & sustainable energy solutions
  • Toyota’s plans for hydrogen-powered, carbon-neutral race car go up in flames
  • NEL gets order for 120MW of electrolyser equipment
  • 2023 could be first ‘giga-year’ for H2 in EU
  • H2E CEO featured in RINA magazine
  • ST 7431 2023 INIT COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION of 14.3.2023 on Energy Storage – Underpinning a decarbonised and secure EU energy system
  • ST 7435 2023 ADD 1 COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Reform of Electricity Market Design Accompanying the documents Proposal for a Regulation (EU) of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulations (EU) 2019/943 and (EU) 2019/942 as well as Directives (EU) 2018/2001 and (EU) 2019/944 to improve the Union’s electricity market design Proposal for a Regulation (EU
  • ST 7435 2023 INIT Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Regulations (EU) No 1227/2011 and (EU) 2019/942 to improve the Union’s protection against market manipulation in the wholesale energy market
  • ST 7440 2023 INIT Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Regulations (EU) 2019/943 and (EU) 2019/942 as well as Directives (EU) 2018/2001 and (EU) 2019/944 to improve the Union’s electricity market design

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