Sun. Feb 9th, 2025
  • EU-Abgeordneter Markus Pieper (EVP/CDU) zu seinem Berichtsentwurf zur Renewable Energy Directive (RED III)
  • Gas tariffs reports: ACER recommends that the Danish regulatory authority further assesses compliance of the tariff proposed by the TSO
  • UNEP FI and EBF launch report on applying the EU Taxonomy to bank lending
  • Gazprom saves over 1 billion cubic meters of gas during gas pipeline repairs by using mobile compressor stations in 2020–2021
  • Natural gas to play major role in satisfying growing energy demand during energy transition
  • Overdue debt of Russian consumers for gas supplies falls in 2021 by RUB 5.9 billion
  • Read-out of the call between President Ursula von der Leyen and Prime Minister of Japan Fumio Kishida
  • H2vorOrt, DVGW und VKU: Wasserstoff-Bericht: Milliardeneinsparungen in der Energieinfrastruktur durch Investitionen in europäische Gasverteilnetze möglich
  • Latest headlines on hydrogen
    • RWE plans joint green hydrogen venture in Dutch North Sea by 2030
    • Study confirms what common sense has made clear for years: Hydrogen fuel cells cannot catch up to battery-electric vehicles
    • Green steel without green hydrogen – can it work?
    • ArcelorMittal, Enagas Create Green Hydrogen Venture in Spain
    • TECO 2030 in new joint venture to deploy hydrogen fuel cells in KSA
    • New Sustainable and Practical Method to Produce Hydrogen from Water
    • Hydrogen‐Bonded Metal–Nucleobase Frameworks for Efficient Separation of Xenon and Krypton
    • This data center will be Europe’s first with hydrogen backup power
    • Mono-copper far more active than analogous di-copper complex for electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution
  • ST 6221 2022 INIT: EUROfusion: Powerpoint presentation (Research(atomique questions) WP meeting 14.02.2022)

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