- EU Commission presents recommendation for 2040 emissions reduction target to set the path to climate neutrality in 2050
- EU Commission: Recommendations for 2040 targets to reach climate neutrality by 2050
- Questions and Answers – Communication on Europe’s 2040 climate target and path to climate neutrality by 2050
- Press remarks by Executive Vice-President Šefčovič and Commissioners Simson and Hoekstra on the Communications on a recommended emissions reduction target for 2040 and Industrial Carbon Management
- EU-Abgeodnete Daniel Caspary (CDU) und Angelika Niebler (CSU) zum Klimaziel 2040
- EU-Abgeordneter Markus Ferber (CSU) zum Klimaziel 2040: Pferd von hinten aufgezäumt
- Europa-SPD zum Kommissions-Vorschlag für 2040-Klimaziel der EU: Minimum mit vielen Unbekannten
- EU 2040 climate target: Green/EFA push for phasing out all fossil fuels to make the EU climate neutral by 2040
- Eurelectric on EU 2040 targets: Yes to power-driven decarbonisation – keep society on board
- Put EU 2040 climate goal into practice with heat pumps – European Heat Pump Association
- EU’s 2040 climate ambition is undermined by distractions and shortsighted decisions on agriculture – EEB
- EU sets historic target to reduce emissions by 2040 but transport sector puts target at risk – T&E
- Agora Energiewende: Europe’s 2040 climate ambition should build more on renewables, electrification and circularity
- Cefic’s statement on the 2040 Climate Target
- BDI zum EU-Klimaziel für 2040: Klimaschutz braucht Wirtschaftswachstum und Geschäftsmodelle
- Germanwatch: EU-Klimaziel für 2040: Mutlose Kommission legt konservativen Vorschlag vor
- EU-Klimaziel 2040 ist mehr Schein als Sein – BUND
- EU Commission sets out how to sustainably capture, store and use carbon to reach climate neutrality by 2050
- Questions and Answers on the EU Industrial Carbon Management Strategy
- Europa-SPD: Ausbau Erneuerbarer priorisieren EU-Kommission legt Kohlenstoff-Strategie vor
- EU-Klimaziele: VKU zu Folgenabschätzung und Carbon-Management-Strategie
- CCS: Breites Umweltbündnis warnt vor gefährlichem Irrweg – BUND
- La Commission se félicite de l’accord politique sur le premier cadre pour les activités de notation ESG
- ESG Ratings: S&Ds secure historic new EU law for more sustainable investments
- EU-Abgeordneter Markus Ferber (CSU) zur Trilog-Einigung bei ESG-Ratings
- Rasmus Andresen (Grüne/EFA) zu ESG-Ratings: Ein neuer Standard für Nachhaltigkeit im Finanzmarkt
- EFRAG ESRS Question and Answer Platform releases first set of technical Explanations
- EFRAG ESRS Q&A Platform releases first set of technical Explanations
- EFRAG Update January 2024
- COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, THE COUNCIL, THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE AND THE COMMITTEE OF THE REGIONS Securing our future Europe’s 2040 climate target and path to climate neutrality by 2050 building a sustainable, just and prosperous society
- COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, THE COUNCIL, THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE AND THE COMMITTEE OF THE REGIONS Securing our future Europe’s 2040 climate target and path to climate neutrality by 2050 building a sustainable, just and prosperous society
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