- Adoption of the Commission Decision on the Union-wide quantity of allowances for 2024
- Simon Stiell: In the Face of Climate chaos, the G20 Must Show Leadership
- EU Commissioner Sinkevičius participates in G20 Environment and Climate Sustainability Ministerial Meeting
- High and lows at the meeting of the G20 environment and climate ministers – German Ministry for the Environment
- Bundesumweltministerium: Licht und Schatten beim Treffen der G20-Umwelt- und Klimaminister*innen
- Les données satellites de Copernicus indiquent que juillet 2023 est le mois le plus chaud jamais enregistré *
- State aid: Commission approves €2.36 billion Hungarian scheme for accelerated investments in strategic sectors to foster the transition to a net-zero economy
- ENTSO-E Recommendations on Net-Zero Industry Act
- POSITION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT adopted at first reading on 18 April 2023 with a view to the adoption of Regulation (EU) 2023/… of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) 2015/757 in order to provide for the inclusion of maritime transport activities in the EU Emissions Trading System and for the monitoring, reporting and verification of emissions of additional greenhouse gases and emissions from additional ship types – TC1-COD-2021-0211B
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