Wed. Feb 12th, 2025
  • Paris Agreement Supervisory Body: Readying key procedural package to operationalize the New Paris Agreement Mechanism
  • UNEP: Parties to the Montreal Protocol meet in Bangkok to prepare for key decisions to be taken in Nairobi
  • ‘Disaster preparedness saves lives’ – keynote speech by Janez Lenarčič at the EU-CELAC Partners in Change Forum
  • Remarks by U.S. Vice President Harris on Combatting Climate Change and Building a Clean Energy Economy
  • Natürlicher Klimaschutz in Unternehmen für besseren Klimaschutz und mehr Natur – Neues Förderangebot für Maßnahmen zum Natürlichen Klimaschutz in Unternehmen geht an den Start
  • Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the accounting of greenhouse gas emissions of transport services
  • COMMISSION DECISION instructing the Central Administrator of the European Union Transaction Log to enter corrections to the national allocation tables of Belgium, Czechia, Denmark, Germany, Spain, France, Croatia, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland and Sweden into the European Union Transaction Log


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