5 OCTOBER 2021
- Meetings of EU Commission members on 5 October 2021
- EU Parliament Agenda 5 October 2021
- Agenda of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council 5 October 2021 (updated 29/9)
- EU Council preparatory bodies 5 October 2021
- Social Innovation for Refugee Inclusion: Sowing Innovation in the Cracks of Crisis
- CLEN – ILIADe Project Group meeting
- Sustainable use of pesticides – third remote stakeholder event
- CMTD(2021)64 – PAFF Committee, section General Food Law
- CMTD(2021)1464 – Technical Adaptation Committee on Roadworthiness Testing
- CMTD(2021)1380 – Meeting of the Committee on substances that deplete the ozone layer
- Forum for the Exchange of Information on Enforcement
- Electronic Customs Coordination Group (ECCG73) joint with TCG
- 9th Web Accessibility Directive Expert Group Meeting – Webinar 1
- 52nd meeting of the Expert group on European Structural and Investment Funds
- EU-Western Balkans Summit (updated 2/10)
- The future of EU-US relations: Online press conference with the EU Parliament’s rapporteur
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