Brussels, 11 July 2023
Today, the Commission launches the first-stage consultation of European social partners on reinforcing the EU Quality Framework for Traineeships. The existing framework sets out 21 quality principles for traineeships that Member States are recommended to put into practice to ensure high-quality learning and adequate working conditions. This includes providing written traineeship agreements, clear learning objectives, as well as transparent information on remuneration and social protection.
This consultation, which takes place during the European Year of Skills, seeks the views of European trade union and employers’ associations’ umbrella organisations on how to best provide young people with valuable experiences during traineeships under fair conditions via a future revision of the EU Quality Framework for Traineeships. The consultation sets out possible areas of EU action, including on the scope, addressing the misuse of traineeships, fair remuneration and access to social protection for trainees.
The launch of the first-stage consultation, open until mid-September, follows the European Parliament’s resolution calling for a revision of the framework. In accordance with President von der Leyen‘s Political Guidelines as regards resolutions adopted by the European Parliament under Article 225 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), the Commission is committed to responding to such resolutions with a legislative proposal in full respect of proportionality, subsidiarity and better law-making principles.
According to a recent Eurobarometer survey, a majority of young Europeans (76%) learnt things that are useful professionally during their traineeship, and 68% found a job after completing a traineeship. In addition, the Commission’s recent evaluation of the EU Quality Framework for Traineeships found that the EU framework helps Member States ensure valuable professional experiences for young people. This evaluation highlighted the framework’s positive impact, particularly in countries with less developed traineeship systems. However, the evaluation found that there is room for improvement in the application, monitoring, and enforcement of the framework’s quality principles.
The 2014 Council Recommendation on Quality Framework for Traineeships aims to help young people transition from education and unemployment into employment through quality traineeships that enhance their skills and allow them to gain work experience. It complements other Commission initiatives to support youth employment such as the reinforced Youth Guarantee.
The Commission is seeking social partners’ views in line with Article 154(2) TFEU. It provides for a two-stage consultation of European social partners for proposals in the social policy field based on Article 153 TFEU. Social partners may decide to enter into negotiations among themselves following the first or the second stage of the consultation.
If social partners do not enter into negotiations, the Commission will propose an update of the framework, as announced in the Commission Work Programme 2023 to address issues including fair remuneration and access to social protection. The initiative is also a follow-up to the Conference on the Future of Europe and offers an important contribution to the European Year of Skills.
For More Information
Consultation document: first-phase consultation of social partners
Commission’s 2023 evaluation of the Recommendation
Commission’s page on traineeships
Eurobarometer survey on traineeships
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