Sun. Jan 26th, 2025

Brussels, 3 April 2023

Tomorrow, High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell and Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson will co-chair the EU-US Energy Council Ministerial Meeting in Brussels with the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, and the US Deputy Secretary for Energy, David Turk.

They will discuss how to ensure energy security while accelerating the green transition. In particular, they will touch upon the outlook for next winter, including the situation in Ukraine and Moldova, as well as how to accelerate decarbonisation through clean-energy technologies and energy savings, while ensuring that the clean energy transition is socially just. As initiators of the Global Methane Pledge, they will also exchange on their ongoing work to reduce methane emissions.

The EU and the US are strategic partners working closely together to push globally for ambitious climate action and net zero emissions, as well as enhancement of energy security and promotion of energy diversification.

The ministerial-level EU-US Energy Council is our main cooperation framework to address mid- and long-term issues. Last year it was accompanied by the EU-US Task Force on Energy Security set up by President von der Leyen and President Biden to tackle together the energy crisis spurred by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The US has played a key role in ensuring the EU’s security of supply, becoming our main LNG supplier in 2022.

Before the EU-US Energy Council, at around 9.15 CEST, HR/VP Borrell and US Secretary of State Blinken will deliver a joint press statement, which you can follow live on EbS+.

Source – EU Commission

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