Thu. Jan 23rd, 2025

The Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development held a Public Hearing on the “Conservation of agricultural biodiversity” in remote. The hearing was intended to assess and discuss the impact on the agricultural sector of the Commission’s Communication on the “EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030: Bringing nature back into our lives”.

Eight experts on two separated panels delivered presentations, followed by Q&A sections, concerning the impact on the European farmers in order to assess the challenges faced by the sector with several of the biodiversity targets.

DG ENV and DG AGRI from the European Commission participated as well with two representatives in order to give a presentation of the measures proposed in the EC Communication.

Location : Paul-Henri Spaak (3C50) Brussels

Panel 1: How will the EU Biodiversity strategy for 2030 impact agriculture?

Panel 2: What tools for the European Agriculture to achieve the biodiversity strategy goals?

© European Union, 2021 – EP

Source: Hearings – Conservation of agricultural biodiversity – 11-01-2021 – Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development

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