Thu. Feb 13th, 2025

Athens, 21 November 2024

As part of her visits of European capitals, European Investment Bank (EIB) Group President Nadia Calviño visited Athens today to discuss Europe’s strategic priorities and investments in Greece with Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Minister of Finance Kostis Hatzidakis.

She also visited the EIB-funded disaster management control room together with Climate Crisis and Civil Protection Minister Vassilis Kikilias.

Discussions focused on strategic priorities in Greece and Europe, including upgrading energy infrastructure, supporting adaptation to climate change, reinforcing security and defence and mobilising public and private investment for competitiveness and innovation as well as sustainable and affordable housing.

The exchanges confirmed Greece’s strong support for the EIB Group’s Strategic Roadmap that lays out eight core investment priorities for the years ahead.

“Greece consistently ranks among the countries that benefit the most from the EIB Group’s financing and we want it to continue to be that way in the future,” said President Calviño “Today I had very productive exchanges that confirm the full alignment of our priorities. We also had the chance to sign an important agreement for the de-carbonisation of Greek islands and I was proud to visit the state-of-the-art crisis management center, a prime example of the impact of our investments on the ground to the benefit of citizens and the economy as a whole.”

The EIB Group has invested nearly €50 billion in Greece since 1963, fostering economic growth and social cohesion and improving lives. Flagship projects financed by the EIB Group range from the Athens Metro to key interconnections of the islands of the Cyclades to the mainland electricity grid, and upgrades to Greece’s civil protection capabilities.

The EIB Group will continue to support investments to improve the adaptation of different sectors and regions to climate change, to strengthen energy independence, to drive digitalisation and boost equity funding for innovative companies and fast-growing start-ups in Greece. The EIB Group has a strong track record of offering credit lines to Greek banks and other partners, facilitating investment for the country’s small and medium sized companies and providing affordable lending for their green and digital transitions.

During the visit EIB Vice-President Ioannis Tsakiris signed the launch of the Decarbonisation Fund Cooperation between the EIB, the European Commission and the Greek government. This fund, expected to mobilise €2 billion from EU carbon- permit proceeds, targets renewable-energy initiatives across Greece’s islands, encouraging the adoption of solar, wind and battery-storage solutions while increasing inter-island connectivity. The fund also envisions projects to support electric-vehicle charging and renewable-energy sources like photovoltaic installations.

About the EIB

The ElB Group is the long-term lending institution of the European Union, owned by the Member States. It finances investments that further EU policy objectives. EIB projects bolster competitiveness, drive innovation, promote sustainable development, enhance social and territorial cohesion, and support a just and swift transition to climate neutrality.

The EIB Group invested €2.5 billion in Greece last year, supporting projects focused on economic and social cohesion, water and energy infrastructure, and credit lines to Greek businesses, while also enhancing environmental sustainability and improving quality of life.

Source – EIB


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