Frontex Scrutiny Group, chaired by Roberta Metsola (EPP, MT), is concluding its 4 month fact-finding investigation to assess the functioning of the border agency and the alleged fundamental rights violations, started on 23 February 2021. The outcome report, drafted by Tine STRIK (Greens, NL) is currently being prepared and is expected to be presented in the Civil Liberties Committee before the summer break.
When: Wednesday 23 June, 15.30 to 17.30
Where: European Parliament in Brussels via remote connection.
You can follow the discussion live.
In line with its mandate the standing Frontex Scrutiny Working group (FSWG) has been tasked to carry out a 4 month fact-finding investigation, gathering all relevant information and evidence regarding alleged violations of fundamental rights in which the Agency was involved, internal management, procedures for reporting, and the handling of complaints. It did so by gathering information and documents from the Agency, Frontex Management Board, Frontex Consultative Forum, the European Ombudsman, and the European Commission. A virtual mission of the Working Group to the Frontex Headquarters in Warsaw also took place. It also exchanged with various stakeholders, including journalists, member states authorities and academics. The findings will be presented in a written report with conclusions and concrete recommendations.